This library simplifies the interaction between a generic microservice and the Flow Manager service.
npm i --save @mia-platform/flow-manager-client
docker network create app --driver bridge
docker pull bitnami/zookeeper
docker pull bitnami/kafka
docker run -d --rm --name zookeeper --network=app -e ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN=yes -p 2180:2181 bitnami/zookeeper
docker run --rm \
--network app \
--name=kafka \
-p 2181:2181 \
-p 443:9092 \
-p 9092:9092 \
-p 9093:9093 \
npm test
The service relies upon a client builder, which allows to configure the underling Kafka client options and the different enabled components.
The library use KafkaJS to actually connect to Kafka. It is recommended to have read its documentation in case some parameter or configuration is not clear.
Below are reported which properties of each Kafka component can be customized:
kafkaConfig = {
clientId: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 },
brokers: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, description: 'string of comma separated brokers address' },
authMechanism: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
username: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
password: { type: 'string', nullable: true },
connectionTimeout: { type: 'integer', default: 10000, description: 'milliseconds' },
authenticationTimeout: { type: 'integer', default: 10000, description: 'milliseconds' },
connectionRetries: { type: 'integer', default: 5, description: 'number of times the client should try to connect'}
consumerConfig = {
groupId: { type: 'string' }, // required
sessionTimeout: { type: 'integer', default: 30000 },
rebalanceTimeout: { type: 'integer', default: 60000 },
heartbeatInterval: { type: 'integer', default: 3000 },
allowAutoTopicCreation: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
producerConfig = {
allowAutoTopicCreation: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
const { FMClientBuilder } = require('@mia-platform/flow-manager-client')
const client = new FMClientBuilder(pinoLogger, kafkaConfig)
.configureCommandsExecutor(commandsTopic, consumerConf, partitionsConsumedConcurrently)
.configureEventsEmitter(eventsTopic, producerConf)
// define which action should be exected when the specified command is received
async (sagaId, metadata, emitEvent) => { /* do something*/ },
async (sagaId, error, commit) => {
/* do something else */
await commit() // execute in case the message should be skipped
await client.start()
await client.emit('EVENT', sagaId, metadata)
await client.stop()
- it is not necessary to configure both components. This allows to enable only the needed features. However, please note that calling methods of components not configured results in an error.
- it is recommended to define all the commands actions before starting the client. Nonetheless, they can be added or updated also at client runtime.
start function connects underlying components to Kafka, subscribe the consumer to the commands topic and allows the emission of events.
stop function stops and disconnects underlying components from Kafka. It is resilient to disconnection errors.
After its execution, methods isHealthy
and isReady
return false
onCommand defines which action should be executed in case a specific command is received by the Flow Manager. It is also possible to define an error handler which takes as input the processing error.
Here is reported the signature of the two methods associated to a command:
commandFunction -> [async] Function(sagaId: string, commandMetadata: Object, emitEvent: function, heartbeat: function)
errorHandler -> [async] Function(sagaId: string, error: Error, commit: async Function)
- before executing a command, a parsing step is carried out. In case the command message can not be parsed as a Flow Manager message (e.g. the key does not contain any sagaId or the value does not provide messageLabel), the processing of that message is skipped altogether.
- when a command is handled, it is also provided the possibility to emit a new event to notify the end of command execution.
This is achieved by calling the
function given as argument of thecommandFunction
. Its signature isemitEvent(event, metadata)
. In this casesagaId
is not needed since it exploits the same of executed command. - by default error risen during the processing step cause messages to be retried until the
execution is successful. This behaviour can be fine in case the command action is idempotent
or its repetition does not cause potential conflicts.
In order to change it and skip messages whose processing throw an error,
it is sufficient to call the
function within the error handler. That function is provided as a parameter to the error handler, in conjunction with the processing error. - by default commands are read sequentially but, if you have multiple partitions assigned to the same client, you can set the partitionsConsumedConcurrently property of the commandExecutor to parallelize the execution of the commands in different partitions. This can improve performances if the command consists of asynchronous work. For reference: Partition-aware concurrency
emit allows to publish a new message in the events topic. It can throw in case sending a message results in a failure.
isHealthy provides client status. In particular, it returns true
in case:
- the client has just been initialized, but not started
- the client has been started and is running properly
- the client has been started and it has crashed or stopped, but not disconnected from Kafka
Once the underlying components are disconnected from Kafka, either due to an error or due to calling stop
the client status transitions to false
The only manners to get back into a healthy status is to either call again the start
method (not recommended)
or to wait that underlying components reconnect by themselves.
isReady provides client running status. It returns true
only in case the service is running properly.
The library exposes also a function getMetrics(prometheusClients)
which can be used
to generate useful metrics related the commands and events handled by the client.
The metrics employed within the library are:
- count how many commands issued by the Flow Manager have been processed. It has two labels:command
displays which command has been processedresult
displays the result of processing this command
- count how many events have been sent to the Flow Manager. It has one labelevent
that indicates which event has been fired.
Example of client building with metrics enabled:
const prometheusClient = require('prom-client')
const { FMClientBuilder, getMetrics } = require('@mia-platform/flow-manager-client')
const metrics = getMetrics(prometheusClient)
const client = new FMClientBuilder(pinoLogger, kafkaConfig)
.configureCommandsExecutor(commandsTopic, consumerConf)
.configureEventsEmitter(eventsTopic, producerConf)
// expose metrics afterwards
Note: users of custom-plugin-lib
can directly expose the getMetrics
function and find these metrics decorated
in the service customMetrics
const { FMClientBuilder, getMetrics } = require('@mia-platform/flow-manager-client')
const customService = require('@mia-platform/custom-plugin-lib')(
{ /* schema */ }
// export by default your service
module.exports = customService(async function index(service) {
const { log, customMetrics } = service
const client = new FMClientBuilder(log, kafkaConfig)
.configureCommandsExecutor(commandsTopic, consumerConf)
.configureEventsEmitter(eventsTopic, producerConf)
// your plugin logic
// export the function used by lc39 to add your custom metrics
// Note: flow-manager-client getMetrics function can be extended
// to include further metrics to be used in service
module.exports.getMetrics = getMetrics