This config is based on ejvi's dotfiles, except I've added some of my own stuff.
- OS: arch linux
- Shell: zsh
- Terminal: kitty
- Launcher: rofi
- Bar: polybar
- Font: jetbrains mono nerd font
- Wallpaper: mauve-cat from catppuccin wallpaper repo
- Catppuccin Variation: Mocha Mauve
- i3-gaps
- picom
- neofetch
- micro
- polybar
- kitty
- zsh
- rofi
- exa
- flameshot
- playerctl
- mpris
- zscroll
- catppuccin cursors
- catppuccin icon theme
- noto sans cjk
- jetbrainsmono nerd font
fix spotify player in bottom bar- add install file
- add power menu to rofi
make polybar more prettier