Project Name

The assignment was to create a guess-who-game using if-statements, objects and arrays.

The problem

I made a plan in Figma with the basic functions I wanted the game t have based on the requirements of the assignment. I decided to start with the fundamentals and add on more if I had time. I tried to learn as much as possible about arrays and objects before starting coding so that I would know what I was doing.

The hardest part was the nested if-statements and the filtering function. If I had more time I would add a counter that would count the guesses and make the player lose if she/he made more than x nr of guesses. I would also try to make the values in the dropdown be unselectable after being selected once. And also make the alert messages look nicer by doing them in JavaScript instead of using the windows default ones. Maybe I would have made the dropdown more visually pleasing, maybe even by using pictures and checkboxes/radiobuttons instead of a dropdown.

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