
User can add, delete, edit books and categories as his/her wish and search for the books in personal bibliotecha.

This project was bootstrap.
Include json-server for database.
React Router dom entegrated.
🎣 axios : used as an instance for typos (create baseURL, api, urls)for rest api actions
🗽 state management with react, react-redux
🔄 generic reusable components (CustomModal for error handling and getting validation from user in delete and edit functions )
🖌 functions under utils file for input validation and for a better user experience
jsx syntax
hooks (useEffect, useState, useNavigate, useParams
json -server as back-end data storage
UI : responsivewebdesign , interactive UIs with react, #bootstrap, animated icons added
React-router-dom for navigation between pages.

PersonalLibrary Netlify Link