
Primary LanguagePython

Sample data & train output (checkpoint):


Full data (binaries):


Prepare data, create graphs

python prepare_data.py

Modify config.prepare.json

    "dir_data_report": "data/reports/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_json": "data/json/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_embedding": "data/embeddings/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_graph": "data/graphs/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_graphviz": "data/graphviz/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_networkx": "data/nx/TuTu_sm",
    "dir_data_pickle": "data/pickle/TuTu_sm",

    "mapping_labels": {"benign": 0, "malware": 1},

    "do_draw": true,

    "split_train_test": false,
    "train_ratio": 0,
    "train_list_file": "data/TuTu_sm_train_list.txt",
    "test_list_file": "data/TuTu_sm_test_list.txt",

    "process_from": "report",
    "train_embedder": true,
    "edge_embedder": "tfidf",
    "node_embedder": "tfidf",
    "preprocess_level": "word",

    "max_ft": 100000,
    "top_k": 3,

    "vector_size": 10,
    "dm": 0
  • dir_data_report: path to directory that contains cuckoo reports, divided into N sub-folders (N = number of classes/labels). eg, dir_data_report has 2 folders: benign, malware

  • dir_data_json: path to directory that contains json file of processed behaviors for each report (some reports might have empty behaviors (no api calls), perhaps that binary needs user interactions to execute, therefore, that file did not execute when putting into cuckoo environment => fails to generate api calls)

  • dir_data_embedding: for node/edge embedding

  • dir_data_graph: store graph generated from each report individually (dgl graph)

  • dir_data_graphviz: store .dot (and .svg) files for visualization (graphviz)

  • dir_data_networkx: store .dot (and .svg) files for visualization (networkx)

  • dir_data_pickle: path to directory to store all stuff needed for training (final output of PrepareData)

  • mapping_labels: a dict that maps each label to an int64 code (label is the same as subsfolder names under each dir_data..., int64 code is used for training)

  • do_draw: if true, generate graphviz and networkx graph for visualization and save to dir_data_graphviz and dir_data_networkx

  • split_train_test: true if we want the code to split the set into train and test set. false if we've already had a list of files used for train and test.
    NOTE 1: Even if split_train_test = false, these two files can still be overwritten (filepaths listed in these two files which does not have api calls (cannot construct graph) will be removed from the list)
    NOTE 2: test set here is used only for testing inference. During training, the train set here will be further divided into train, val set (refer to app.py)

  • train_ratio: used only if split_train_test = true (must > 0 if used)

  • train_list_file: path to save list of files we want to use for training. (If split_train_test = false, file must exist and not empty)

  • test_list_file: path to save list of files we want to use for testing. (If split_train_test = false, file must exist and not empty)

  • process_from: accept 3 values:

    • report:
      1. Read inputs from dir_data_report.
      2. Process behaviors and save processed behaviors to dir_data_json.
      3. (optional) Save graphviz/networkx graph to dir_data_graphviz and dir_data_networkx.
      4. Run node/edge embedding.
      5. Create dgl graph and save to dir_data_graph.
      6. Pack all necessary stuff and save to dir_data_pickle
    • json:
      1. Read inputs from dir_data_json.
      2. Perform c -> f like above (report option)
    • graph:
      1. Read inputs from dir_data_graph.
      2. Pack all necessary stuff and save to dir_data_pickle
  • train_embedder: train node/edge embedder. Can = true only if process_from = 'report'

  • node_embedder, edge_embedder: accept tfidf or doc2vec

  • max_ft, top_k: params for tfidf embedder

  • vector_size, dm: params for doc2vec embedder


python app.py

Modify config.model.json

    "dir_data_pickle": "data/pickle/TuTu_sm",
    "mapping_labels": {"benign": 0, "malware": 1},

    "model_config": {
        "layer_type": "edGNNLayer",
        "layer_params": {
            "n_units": [
            "activation": [
    "learning_config": {
        "lr": 0.001,
        "epochs": 100,
        "weight_decay": 0.001,
        "batch_size": 16,
        "gpu": -1
    "early_stopping": {
        "patience": 100