这里的代码是我在学习这里的一门视频课程的时候,写下 的代码

1.pycharm, python3.5+, mysql
2.使用的时候,注意先在mooc文件夹下面的setting.py 里面进行配置,数据库我使用的是云端的,只需要把本地或者云端数据库的参数补上就可以了(96行),网站里面有个发送邮件的部分(150行),我是使用的自己的邮箱进行的注册,服务器是163的stmp,这部分的配置,可以自行进行百度,问题不大的,有一点是,现在的邮箱多为了安全,不允许直接使用用户密码进行客户端登录操作,所以要设置一个临时的登录密码进行登录。这是这两个地方需要修改的。


pip install git+git://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin.git
主要是pip 库安装会出现一些难以预料的问题,然后使用pip 安装requirements.txt 中的依赖

先做次makemigrations  &migrate

3.运行之前先做次makemigrations  &migrate


以下来自google translate:

The code here is the code I wrote when I was studying a video course here.
Here is the address of the course https://coding.imooc.com/class/78.html, hope everyone can support it
The lecturer bobby said it was still very good, because it was a lesson video shared by others. There was no corresponding course source code, but it was okay. The whole process had been knocked down from the beginning to the end of March. On the 21st of the month, more than 20 days have passed, and many have been harvested! This weekend took time to sort out what I learned and pass it on.
A lot of bugs have been encountered. It took about 20 hours or so on bugs, including configuring the environment, problems with writing code, and finally problems in building the server. In the end, asking for someone to ask Google has also been resolved.

1.pycharm, python3.5+, mysql
2. When using, pay attention to the settings.py inside the mooc folder to configure. The database I use is the cloud, you only need to fill in the parameters of the local or cloud database (96 lines), website There is a part of the sending mail (150 lines), I use my own mailbox to register, the server is 163 stmp, this part of the configuration, you can own Baidu, the problem is not, there is one point, the current mailbox For security reasons, it is not allowed to use the user password directly for client login. Therefore, you must set a temporary login password to log in. This is where these two places need to be modified.

# The above mailbox is not configured should also be OK, but when you need to send a verification code, it will report an error

After these configurations are completed, delete the xadmin line in the requirements.txt file and install it using source code.
Pip install git+git://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin.git
Primarily pip-library installations have some unforeseen problems and then use pip to install dependencies in requirements.txt

Do makemigrations &migrate first
Connection can run.
Use the sql file I provided to add data to the database

1.When you first get the html, css, and js files, there are some "damages" in login.html, so the login page will have some problems, but it won't affect the login.
2.The entire background is all dynamic, so these background data are exported to sql files, so that everyone can reproduce (the file is sql.rar)
3. Do makemigrations &migrate before running

Write so much first, then there is a problem you can ask!