
An adaptation of the Leap API for Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript



LeapJS is a Javascript library that provides the functionality and object structure of the Leap API to assist developers who are working with the Leap Motion in a browser environment.

Whats new? Gestures!

  • Gesture.Type
    • "circle"
    • "keytap"
    • "screentap"
    • "swipe"
  • CircleGesture : Gesture
  • KeyTapGesture : Gesture
  • ScreenTapGesture : Gesture
  • SwipeGesture : Gesture
  • Controller
    • void enableGesture( Gesture.Type type, Bool enable )
    • Bool isGestureEnabled( Gesture.Type type )
  • Frame
    • GestureList gestures()

Whats new? Calibration!

  • Calibrate
    • Calibrate( Controller controller )
    • virtual void onComplete( Screen screen )
  • Screen
    • Screen()
    • float distanceToPoint( Vector point )
    • { position : Vector, distance : float } intersect( Pointable pointable, Bool normalize )
    • Vector normal()
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Screen invalid()



  • string APIVersion
  • string serverVersion
  • Calibrate
    • Calibrate( Controller controller )
    • virtual void onComplete( Screen screen )
  • Controller
    • Controller( string connection )
    • Frame frame()
    • Frame frame( Int index )
    • void addListener( Listener listener )
    • void removeListener( Listener listener )
    • void enableGesture( Gesture.Type type, Bool enable )
    • Bool isGestureEnabled( Gesture.Type type )
  • Listener
    • Listener()
    • void onConnect( Controller controller )
    • void onDisconnect( Controller controller )
    • void onExit( Controller controller )
    • void onFrame( Controller controller )
    • void onInit( Controller controller )
  • Frame
    • Frame()
    • string id()
    • string timestamp()
    • FingerList fingers()
    • ToolList tools()
    • PointableList pointables()
    • HandList hands()
    • Finger finger( string id )
    • Hand hand( string id )
    • Pointable pointable( string id )
    • Tool tool( string id )
    • GestureList gestures()
    • float rotationAngle( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Vector rotationAxis( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Matrix rotationMatrix( Frame sinceFrame )
    • float scaleFactor( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Vector translation( Frame sinceFrame )
    • string tostring()
    • Bool compare( Frame other )
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Frame invalid()
  • Gesture
  • CircleGesture : Gesture
  • KeyTapGesture : Gesture
  • ScreenTapGesture : Gesture
  • SwipeGesture : Gesture
  • Hand
    • Hand()
    • Frame frame()
    • string id()
    • FingerList fingers()
    • ToolList tools()
    • PointableList pointables()
    • Vector direction()
    • Vector palmNormal()
    • Vector palmPosition()
    • Vector palmVelocity()
    • Vector sphereCenter()
    • float sphereRadius()
    • Finger finger( string id )
    • Pointable pointable( string id )
    • Tool tool( string id )
    • float rotationAngle( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Vector rotationAxis( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Matrix rotationMatrix( Frame sinceFrame )
    • float scaleFactor( Frame sinceFrame )
    • Vector translation( Frame sinceFrame )
    • string tostring()
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Hand invalid()
  • HandList
    • HandList()
    • Hand operator[]
    • void append( HandList other )
    • int count()
    • Bool empty()
  • Finger : Pointable
    • Finger()
    • static Finger invalid()
  • FingerList
    • FingerList()
    • Finger operator[]
    • void append( FingerList other )
    • int count()
    • Bool empty()
  • Tool : Pointable
    • Tool()
    • static Tool invalid()
  • ToolList
    • ToolList()
    • Tool operator[]
    • void append( ToolList other )
    • int count()
  • Pointable
    • Pointable()
    • Frame frame()
    • Hand hand()
    • string id()
    • Vector direction()
    • Vector tipPosition()
    • Vector tipVelocity()
    • float length()
    • float width()
    • Bool isFinger()
    • Bool isTool()
    • string tostring()
    • Bool compare( Pointable other )
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Pointable invalid()
  • PointableList
    • PointableList()
    • PointableList( PointableList other )
    • Pointable operator[]
    • void append( PointableList other )
    • void append( FingerList other )
    • void append( ToolList other )
    • int count()
  • Screen
    • Screen()
    • float distanceToPoint( Vector point )
    • { position : Vector, distance : float } intersect( Pointable pointable, Bool normalize )
    • Vector normal()
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Screen invalid()
  • ScreenList
    • ScreenList()
    • Screen operator[]
    • int count()
    • Screen closestScreenHit( Pointable pointable )
  • Vector
    • Vector()
    • Vector( Vector other )
    • Vector( [ float x, float y, float z ] )
    • float x
    • float y
    • float z
    • float angleTo( Vector other )
    • Vector cross( Vector other )
    • float distanceTo( Vector other )
    • float dot( Vector other )
    • Vector plus( Vector other )
    • Vector minus( Vector other )
    • Vector multiply( float scalar )
    • Vector dividedBy( float scalar )
    • float magnitude()
    • float magnitudeSquared()
    • Vector normalized()
    • float pitch()
    • float roll()
    • float yaw()
    • string tostring()
    • Bool compare( Vector other )
    • Bool isValid()
    • static Vector backward()
    • static Vector down()
    • static Vector forward()
    • static Vector left()
    • static Vector right()
    • static Vector up()
    • static Vector xAxis()
    • static Vector yAxis()
    • static Vector zAxis()
    • static Vector zero()
  • Matrix
    • Matrix()
    • Matrix( Matrix other )
    • Matrix( [ Vector xBasis, Vector yBasis, Vector zBasis ] )
    • Matrix( [ Vector xBasis, Vector yBasis, Vector zBasis, Vector origin ] )
    • Vector xBasis
    • Vector yBasis
    • Vector zBasis
    • Vector origin
    • Matrix rigidInverse()
    • void setRotation( Vector axis, float angle )
    • void transformPoint( Vector data )
    • void transformDirection( Vector data )
    • Matrix times( Matrix other )
    • float[] toArray3x3()
    • void toArray3x3( float[] output )
    • float[] toArray4x4()
    • void toArray4x4( float[] output )
    • string tostring()
    • Bool compare( Matrix other )
    • static Matrix identity()