
Talk in HITCON Pacific 2017 - Adversarial Machine Learning and Countermeasures (with ch0upi)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Adversarial Machine Learning - HITCON 2017

This repo stores the source code and experiments done for a talk in HITCON Pacific 2017, Adversarial Machine Learning and Countermeasures, by miaoski and ch0upi.

N.B. Severeal repos are forked from people's works (see LICENSE). We don't have copyright on these repos. They are added in this repo merely for the sake of conveniences. Without the contribution of the respective authors, we could never accomplish the research. We are greateful and would like to say "Thank you!"

We also used the docker image built by https://hub.docker.com/r/born2data/caffecv/ It is not included in this repo, but we really appreciated it!



  • 1412.1897 Deep Neural Networks are Easily Fooled.pdf
  • 1607.02533v3 Adversarial Examples in the Physical World.pdf
  • 1707.08945 Robust Physical-World Attacks on Deep Learning Models.pdf
  • Adversarial Machine Learning for AV software.pdf
  • parkhi15.pdf