
CIS-5200 Machine Learning final project

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


CIS-5200 Machine Learning final project

About models

Models are put under the models directory.

About experiments

Experiment scripts are under the scripts directory, separate from models. They can import from models.

About datasets

Datasets are under the datasets directory on your local machine, using symbolic link when necessary.

Please do not actually upload the datasets to GitHub. By default, anything under datasets will be ignored.

About contact dataset

Each dataset is organized under a directory whose path you must pass into the dataset class. Each index of the dataset corresponds to a temporally paired color and depth image which is captured at 10 Hz. The other proprioceptive items, end-effector pose and force-torque wrench, are captured at a much higher frequency, 500 Hz and for each image sample, the nearest temporal neighbor is returned.

The ContactDataset class takes as init arguments the dataset path, the desired history window size T, and some other parameters that aren't really worth playing with lol. The history size is to return some past history of measurements at each index, such as returning not just a single frame but some T frames in the past. But for this project we should just stick with T = 1. It returns a dictionary of items that include the above but also return various other quantities that probably aren't relevant for this project. When batched, the dictionary values will usually return a tensor of dimension B x T x N where N is some item specific dimension (e.g. for images N = H x W).

See contact_dset_test.ipynb file for example of loading samples from a dataloader which includes comments to explain use.

About TGS Salt dataset

You can download the dataset from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/tgs-salt-identification-challenge/data). Under the TGS_Salt folder, you only have to download and unzip the train folder and download the depths.csv file. In the end, there should be TGS_Salt/train and TGS_Salt/depths.csv.

Afterwards, you can call from dataloaders.tgs_salt import SaltDataset and wrap a DataLoader around it. Each batch will be a (x, d, y) tuple, where x is a [N, 1, H, W] image, d is a [N, 1] scalar, and y is a [N, 1, H, W] binary mask.

See scripts/run_tgs.py, where I created a trivial 2-layer CNN, along with a general PyTorch Lightning training routine for any (x, d) -> y network architecture.

About dataloaders

API to interact with datasets should be put under dataloaders. They will be tracked by git and shared across computers. They will be imported in scripts as abstract interfaces.