
Differentiable precision, recall, F-beta score, F1 score, and dice loss for input tensors of real-valued probabilities

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A self-contained PyTorch library for differentiable precision, recall, F-beta score (including F1 score), and dice coefficient.

The only dependency is PyTorch.

These scores are "the bigger, the better", so 1 - score can be used as a loss function.

Our contribution:

  1. Both y_true and y_pred are of shape [N, C, ...], where N is batch size and C is the number of channels. They must be float tensors. We allow both input tensors to be real-valued probabilities, which generalize 0-1 hard labels.

  2. We formally separate different averaging methods for these metrics, such as macro, micro, samples, according to sklearn conventions

You can just copy the code without the fuss of importing from this repository.

Understanding different averaging methods

The following numpy code computes accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score from a confusion matrix in a multi-class classification setting. It can help us understand what different averaging methods do.

import numpy as np
from sklearn import metrics

class ConfusionMatrix:
    def __init__(self, cm):
        This helper class computes various scikit-learn metrics
        (accuracy, precision, recall, f1-score)
        given a confusion matrix C of counts.
        C[i, j] is the integer number of points in ground-truth group i and predicted group j.
        - This helper is intended to be a reference table for understanding how
            different averaging methods work.
        - "binary" for binary classification and "samples" for multilabel classification
            are not supported yet.
        - We don't deal with division by 0.
        self.cm = np.array(cm)
    def accuracy_score(self):
        return self.cm.diagonal().sum() / self.cm.sum()
    def precision_score(self, average=None):
        if average is None:
            return self.cm.diagonal() / self.cm.sum(axis=0)
        elif average == "micro":
            return self.accuracy_score()
        elif average == "macro":
            return self.precision_score(average=None).mean()
        elif average == "weighted":
            return self.precision_score(average=None) @ self.cm.sum(axis=1) / self.cm.sum()
        raise ValueError(f"Uknown average method [{average}]")
    def recall_score(self, average=None):
        if average is None:
            return self.cm.diagonal() / self.cm.sum(axis=1)
        elif average == "micro":
            return self.accuracy_score()
        elif average == "macro":
            return self.recall_score(average=None).mean()
        elif average == "weighted":
            return self.accuracy_score()
        raise ValueError(f"Uknown average method [{average}]")
    def f1_score(self, average=None):
        if average is None:
            return 2 * self.cm.diagonal() / (self.cm.sum(axis=0) + self.cm.sum(axis=1))
        elif average == "micro":
            # surprisingly, my method is actually more numerically stable than scikit-learn
            return self.accuracy_score()
        elif average == "macro":
            return self.f1_score(average=None).mean()
        elif average == "weighted":
            return self.f1_score(average=None) @ self.cm.sum(axis=1) / self.cm.sum()
        raise ValueError(f"Uknown average method [{average}]")

def test_my_confusion_matrix():
    n_classes = 5
    n_samples = 100

    y1 = np.random.randint(n_classes, size=n_samples)
    y2 = np.random.randint(n_classes, size=n_samples)

    my_cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, labels=np.arange(n_classes), normalize=None)
    cm_helper = ConfusionMatrix(my_cm)

    # accuracy
    assert cm_helper.accuracy_score() == metrics.accuracy_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, normalize=True)

    # precision
    assert np.allclose(metrics.precision_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average=None), cm_helper.precision_score(average=None))
    assert metrics.precision_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="micro") == cm_helper.precision_score(average="micro")
    assert metrics.precision_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="macro") == cm_helper.precision_score(average="macro")
    assert metrics.precision_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="weighted") == cm_helper.precision_score(average="weighted")

    # recall
    assert np.allclose(metrics.recall_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average=None), cm_helper.recall_score(average=None))
    assert metrics.recall_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="micro") == cm_helper.recall_score(average="micro")
    assert metrics.recall_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="macro") == cm_helper.recall_score(average="macro")
    assert metrics.recall_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="weighted") == cm_helper.recall_score(average="weighted")

    # f1 score
    # allclose is used more often due to numerical instability
    assert np.allclose(metrics.f1_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average=None), cm_helper.f1_score(average=None))
    assert np.allclose(metrics.f1_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="micro"), cm_helper.f1_score(average="micro"))
    assert np.allclose(metrics.f1_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="macro"), cm_helper.f1_score(average="macro"))
    assert np.allclose(metrics.f1_score(y_true=y1, y_pred=y2, average="weighted"), cm_helper.f1_score(average="weighted"))