
Comprehensive data proxy to knowledge about real world

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Reality is your quick access point to almost any entity existing in real world (and described in Wikipedia). Its goal is to make the world inspectable and computable.

Table Of Contents


# Like this
require 'reality'
include Reality

ar = Entity('Argentina')
#  => #<Reality::List[Buenos Aires, "Córdoba, Argentina", "Rosario, Santa Fe", "Mendoza, Argentina", La Plata, San Miguel de Tucumán, Mar del Plata, Salta, "Santa Fe, Argentina", "San Juan, Argentina", "Resistencia, Chaco", Neuquén, Santiago del Estero, Corrientes, Avellaneda, Bahía Blanca, San Salvador de Jujuy, Quilmes, Lanús, Comodoro Rivadavia, "Concordia, Entre Ríos"]>
ar.cities.map{|city| city.coord.distance_to(ar.capital)}
# => [#<Reality::Measure(0.0 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(646 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(278 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(985 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(54 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,084 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(385 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,285 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(394 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,005 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(797 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(987 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(942 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(793 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(7 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(574 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,338 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(16 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(11 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,471 km)>, #<Reality::Measure(358 km)>] 

# or this
matz = Entity('Yukihiro Matsumoto')
# => #<Reality::Entity(Yukihiro Matsumoto):person>
# ---------------------------------------------
# #<Reality::Entity(Yukihiro Matsumoto):person>
# ---------------------------------------------
#      awards: #<Reality::List[FSF Free Software Awards?]>
# birth_place: #<Reality::Entity?(Ōsaka Prefecture)>
#    birthday: #<Date: 1965-04-14>
# citizenship: #<Reality::Entity?(Japan)>
# occupations: ["scientist", "engineer", "computer scientist", "programmer"]
#         sex: "male"

# => #<Reality::Measure(8,847,838 person)>
# => [#<Reality::Measure(2,610,073 person)>, #<Reality::Measure(5,522,917 person)>, #<Reality::Measure(1,372,046 person)>, #<Reality::Measure(961,320 person)>, #<Reality::Measure(119,291 person)>]
# => #<Reality::Weather(-0.91°C, Clear)>

# or maybe this?
beatles = Entity('Beatles').parts
# => #<Reality::List[John Lennon?, Sir. Paul McCartney?, Ringo Starr?, George Harrison?, Stuart Sutcliffe?, Pete Best?]>
# => #<Reality::List[Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Pete Best]> 
beatles.select(&:alive?).map{|beatle| beatle.albums && beatle.albums.last}
# => [#<Reality::Entity?(New (album))>, #<Reality::Entity?(Old Wave)>, nil]

# and stuff
t2 = Entity('Terminator 2')
t2.actors.each do |actor|
  puts "#{ actor.name }: #{ actor.age_at(t2.published_at) }"
# Edward Furlong: 13
# Arnold Schwarzenegger: 43
# Linda Hamilton: 34
# Robert Patrick: 32

Is it real? Is it really working?.. But how?

Yes. Every example you can see above is working. And many other things are working. And almost any thing which Wikipedia knows about, can be loaded through Reality, and somehow inspected and used and navigated to next entities and measured and ...

Read more at "How it works" page in our wiki. It's complicated, yet quite interesting.

Why/when do I need this?..

  • Demos and experiments;
  • Enrichement of existing data;
  • Teaching Ruby and data processing on realistic data...

...and more.

Uhm, ok. How to use it?

First, install the gem as usual (it is on rubygems, and named "reality"), using Gemfile/bundle install or gem install reality.

Now, you can use it...

...from your code

require 'reality'

th = Reality::Entity('Thailand')
p th.area / th.population
# => #<Reality::Measure(0.007 km²/person)>

list = Reality::List('Terminator', 'Terminator 2', 'Terminator 3', 'Terminator 4', 'Terminator 5')
# => #<Reality::List[Terminator?, Terminator 2?, Terminator 3?, Terminator 4?, Terminator 5?]>
# => #<Reality::List[Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, Terminator Salvation, Terminator Genisys]>

p list.map(&:published_at)
# => [nil, #<Date: 1991-01-01>, #<Date: 2003-01-01>, #<Date: 2009-01-01>, #<Date: 2015-01-01>]

Start from Getting started in our wiki and move along the pointers!

...from command-line

The reality command allows you to investigate various concepts in your terminal:

$ reality Katmandu
             area: #<Reality::Measure(49 km²)>
            coord: #<Reality::Geo::Coord(27°43′0″N,85°22′0″E)>
          country: #<Reality::Entity?(Nepal)>
        elevation: #<Reality::Measure(1,400 m)>
       located_in: #<Reality::Entity?(Nepal)>
        long_name: "Kathmandu Metropolitan City\nKTM"
 official_website: "http://www.kathmandu.gov.np"
       population: #<Reality::Measure(975,453 person)>
        tz_offset: #<Reality::TZOffset(UTC+05:45)>

$ reality Beatles albums first
Please Please Me

See wikipage for details.

...from interactive console

The reality -i command opens interactive console, allowing you to investigate Reality's features immediately. It also provides many useful shortcuts for less typing:

$ reality -i

reality#1:001:0> b = E('Brno')
# => #<Reality::Entity(Brno):city>
reality#1:002:0> b.area
# => #<Reality::Measure(230 km²)>
reality#1:003:0> b.coord.weather
# => #<Reality::Weather(10°C, Rain)>

...and so on. Read more at Interactive console and feel free to experiment!

Good. What next?..

Reality currently in, let's say "working prototype" state. Many things work and useful, many others are subject to change/improve. Near and not-so-near plans looks like this (order is vague):

  • more definitions of useful Wikidata/Wikipedia properties and types, cleanup and re-checking of existing ones;
  • more external datasources (OpenStreetMap one of first candidates) and more info from already included ones;
  • more maturity: cleaner code, more tests, docs, config policy....
  • powerful and flexible data caching (if you run "study all world capitals" script 10 times, or want to do a quick presentation of topic to students, you'll be happy that previously quiried data are already on disk);
  • large demo-scripts set, maybe in independent repository;
  • separation of largely independent parts to another gems and libraries.


  • Our wiki have pretty comprehensive docs now, from Tutorial to some advanced topics;
  • YARD docs are mostly written and contain explanations, examples and definitions.

Want to help?


Reality will be glad to accept your issues and pull requests. Currently, it would be great if somebody lay their hands on:

  • thoroughly define more and more Wikidata predicates (and enchance system for predicates definition: consider aliases, plural/singular properties and so on);
  • investigate and define more Wikipedia types (kinds of infoboxes) and enchance existing ones;
  • connect more external services and integrate them into Reality (for example, geocoding: via OpenStreetMap guess city from coordinates and make this city a Reality::Entity);
  • play with Reality and share your experiences and examples and problems and cool demos!

Contributing page in wiki explains some things a bit deeper.


Ruby 2+ is a must (we love refinements, keywords arguments and other cool stuff). JRuby & Rubinius compatibility was not checked still, help would be appreciated here!

Note that there could be a problem with SSL sertificates while connecting to Wikipedia API. TODO: explain the problem and point to recipes.


Development of first version was sponsored by 2015 Ruby Association Grant.

Initial idea is inspired by "integrated data" of Wolfram Language.
