This repository contains ArvanCloud CLI tool that can be used to benefit from this provider services using terminal (not the crappy GUI!).
This tool currently supports below services and actions of the provider:
IaaS Service:
region Entitiy
ls command: get list of regions
arvancli iaas region ls
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Country
- City
- Datacenter
- Code
- Available
- Coming Soon
server Entity
id command: get id of specified server
arvancli iaas server id --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
status command: get status of specified server
arvancli iaas server status --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
list command: list servers in configured zone
arvancli iaas server ls
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Name
- Status
- Operating System
- Resource
- Username
- IP Address(es)
reboot command: reboot specified server
arvancli iaas server reboot --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
poweroff command: poweroff specified server
arvancli iaas server poweroff --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
poweron command: poweron specified server
arvancli iaas server poweron --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
delete command: delete specified server
arvancli iaas server delete --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
resize command: resize specified server
arvancli iaas server resize --name "{SERVER_NAME}" --resource "{RAM}:{CORES}:{DISK}"
rename command: rename specified server
arvancli iaas server rename --name "{SERVER_NAME}" --new-name "{NEW_SERVER_NAME}"
create command: create specified server
arvancli iaas server create --name "{SERVER_NAME}" --image "{IMAGE_TYPE}:{IMAGE_NAME}:{IMAGE_VERSION}" --resource "{RAM}:{CORES}:{DISK}" --firewall "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --network "{NETWORK_NAME}" --ssh-key "{SSHKEY_NAME}"
Note: To create a server with password method, ssh-key argument must be ignored.
firewall Entitiy
ls command: get list of firewall groups
arvancli iaas firewall ls
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Name
- Description
- Real Name
- Servers
id command: get id of specified firewall group
arvancli iaas firewall id --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}"
create command: create firewall group with specified name and description
arvancli iaas firewall create --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --description "{FIREWALL_GROUP_DESCRIPTION}"
Note: To Add ArvanCDN Servers firewall group to the list of firewall groups, FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME must be set to arCDN and no description is required.
delete command: delete firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall delete --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}"
list-rules command: list rules inside a firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall list-rules --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}"
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- #
- Type
- Direction
- Protocol
- Ports
- Origin/Destination
- Access Type
add-rule command: add rule to the firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall add-rule --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --description "{FIREWALL_RULE_DESCRIPTION}" --direction "{FIREWALL_RULE_DIRECTION}" --cidr "{FIREWALL_RULE_CIDR(s)}" --protocol "{FIREWALL_RULE_PROTOCOL}" --port "{FIREWALL_RULE_PORTS}"
- ingress
- egress
- tcp
- udp
- PROTOCOL_NUMBER. In this way a custom protocol with specified number can be applied for the rule. With custom protocols there is no need for "--port" argument
For multiple source cidrs, FIREWALL_RULE_CIDR can be written in the form of cidr1,cidr2,...
For a port range, FIREWALL_RULE_PORTS should be specified in the form of sport:dport
For all source IPs or ports, "--cidr" and "--port" arguments can be skipped, respectively
delete-rule command: delete rule from the firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall delete-rule --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --number "{FIREWAULL_RULE_NUMBER}"
FIREWALL_RULE_NUMBER can be achieved from "list-rules" command
attach-server command: attach server to the firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall attach-server --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --server "{SERVER_NAME}"
detach-server command: detach server from the firewall group with specified name
arvancli iaas firewall detach-server --name "{FIREWALL_GROUP_NAME}" --server "{SERVER_NAME}"
network Entitiy
ls command: get list of regions
arvancli iaas network ls
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Network Name
- Network Status
- Network Type
- Subnet Name
- Subnet CIDR
- Server(s)
list-servers command: get list of servers in the specified network
arvancli iaas network list-servers --name "{NETWORK_NAME}"
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Name
- IP Address
- MAC Address
- Port Security
- PTR record: This column is only available for public networks
- Float IP: This column is only available for private networks
add-ptr command: add a PTR record to the specified ip address
arvancli iaas network add-ptr --ip "{IP_ADDRESS}" --domain "{PTR_DOMAIN}"
delete-ptr command: Remove a PTR record from specified ip address
arvancli iaas network delete-ptr --ip "{IP_ADDRESS}"
attach-public command: Attach a new public IP to specified instance
arvancli iaas network attach-public --name "{SERVER_NAME}"
detach-public command: Detach specified public IP from the instance
arvancli iaas network detach-public --name "{SERVER_NAME}" --ip "{IP_ADDRESS}"
add-float command: Add a new float IP
arvancli iaas network add-float --description "{FLOAT_IP_DESCRIPTION}"
list-float command: List float IPs in configured zone
arvancli iaas network list-float
delete-float command: Delete desired float IP
arvancli iaas network delete-float --ip "{FLOAT_IP_ADDRESS}"
attach-float command: Attach desired float IP to the specified server and private IP
arvancli iaas network attach-float --name "{SERVER_NAME}" --private-ip "{PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS}" --float-ip "{FLOAT_IP_ADDRESS}"
detach-float command: Detach desired float IP from specified private IP
arvancli iaas network detach-float --ip "{PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS}"
create-network command: Create private network with desired name and subnet address
arvancli iaas network create-network --name "{PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME}" --cidr "{PRIVATE_NETWORK_CIDR}"
delete-network command: Delete private network with specified name
arvancli iaas network delete-network --name "{PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME}"
attach-private command: Attach a private IP to the specified server
arvancli iaas network attach-private --name "{PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME}" --server "{SERVER_NAME}" --private-ip "{PRIVATE_IP}"
detach-private command: Detach private IP from specified server
arvancli iaas network detach-private --name "{PRIVATE_NETWORK_NAME}" --server "{SERVER_NAME}" --private-ip "{PRIVATE_IP}"
image Entity
id command: get id of specified image
arvancli iaas image id --name "{IMAGE_NAME}" --type "{IMAGE_TYPE}" --version "{IMAGE_VERSION}"
list command: get list of images
arvancli iaas image ls --type "{IMAGE_TYPE}"
List will be appeared in a tabular format with below columns:
- Name
- Version
- SSH Key Support
- SSH Password Support
First of all use python3.9 to prevent future problems!
Then install required packages and run setup script:
pip install -e . -r requirements.txt
Then configure cli:
arvancli configure --token="{API_TOKEN}" --zone="{DEFAULT_ZONE}"
And then run the cli:
arvancli --help