
A simple tool written in C to both encode and decode some simple substitution ciphers

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple tool written in C to both encode and decode some simple substitution ciphers. It usees a menu driven interface to guide the user. The supported ciphers include shift (Caesar), Affine, and Vigenere.

When running the program, the user will be presented with the following options:

What would you like to do?
1. Decrypt a shift cipher (Brute Force)
2. Encrypt a shift cipher
3. Decrypt a message encrypted with the affine cipher (Brute Force)
4. Encrypt a message encrypted with the affine cipher
5. Decrypt a message encrypted with the Vigenere cipher (with key)
6. Encrypt a message using the Vigenere cipher
7. Quit


git clone <clone url>
cd CipherSolve