- 1
Reserved Keywords in structure's field names
#16 opened by LomakinaAsya - 1
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- 0
An XSD's includes are ignored; WSDL traversal only loads schemas at depth=1
#20 opened by drauschenbach - 0
this issue is comming ,while genrating http_headers using wsdl url and operation ,in python 3.11 and zeep 4.2.1 env
#15 opened by Sreenivasulu-Reddi - 2
- 1
It does not seem to like "xsd:anyType" and Include
#14 opened by PRTGC - 1
need to quote keywords
#13 opened by cameronbraid - 2
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Issues with beAServiceV5.wsdl
#6 opened by smw-wagnerma - 4
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- 2
Issue with CWMP XSD
#1 opened by bpbp-boop