
Smart display for CNC milling machine

zagranichnyy opened this issue · 5 comments

when we wait for the firmware to work the display together with the CNC milling machine)))?

@zagranichnyy It's possible to work with CNC machine in theory. What motherboard and firmwave does your CNC using?

in the firmware repetier There is an opportunity to work with milling and laser cnc.
marlin with small changes also support these modes, you only have a suitable interface with the ability to reset the start point, go back to the point, and some spindle functions. In occasion of a board, as a matter of fact any on mega2560. I myself now try to change the interface for the router, until I know what I will get, I would like to be able to put the firmware written by a professional), thank you in advance!

Good work. If you need any help on trying,please send me message,I'll try my best to afford assistance.

leave your email address or email me v.zagranichnyy@gmail.com I think that together it will be easier)