
Easily implement distributed asynchronous tasks in one step.仅需一步,轻松实现分布式异步任务。

Primary LanguagePython

Test Package version Supported Python versions



  • MemoryBroker
  • CronBroker
  • WebHookBroker
  • RabbitMQBroker
  • RedisBroker
    • RedisStreamBroker
    • RedisPubSubBroker
  • KafkaBroker


# example.py

from onestep import step, WebHookBroker

# 对外提供一个webhook接口,接收外部的消息
def waiting_messages(message):
    print("收到消息:", message)

if __name__ == '__main__':

also, you can use onestep command to start, like this:

$ onestep example

then, you can send a message to webhook:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"a": 1}' http://localhost:8090/push

🤩 other brokers

from onestep import step, CronBroker

# 每3秒触发一次任务
@step(from_broker=CronBroker("* * * * * */3", body={"a": 1}))
def cron_task(message):
    assert message.body == {"a": 1}
    return message

if __name__ == '__main__':

🤔more examples: examples