Simple Code browsing utilities shortcuts

Few utilities to help with browsing code.


Extract it into .vim directory, or use plugin manager like Vundle, Pathogen or others.


Feature: Grep under cursor

Put this into map <silent> <C-G> <Plug>(code_browse_shortcut) your vimrc and each time you hit ctrl-f, vim will search for the word under cursor with grep (useful if you have set grepprg to search your whole repository).

Feature: Open current line/selection on github

Note: Currently works only for git repositories that are on github. Happy to accept PRs to handle more than just this.

Put map <silent> <C-G> <Plug>(code_browse_shortcut) into your vimrc, if hit ctrl-g, it will open your browser with link to current line (or selected lines) in github. Useful for sharing links to code between colleagues.

By default, it opens the link in the firefor. If you want to change it, set let g:code_browse_browser_cmd to something else.