TravelX helps travelers create travel plans and discover popular attractions.
Key features:
- Generate a travel plan based on a destination city
- See a schedule of popular attractions for destination city
- View attractions in both schedule and map view
- Beautiful and intuitive user experience
This project was created in 7 days by a team of software developers at App Academy, the nation's #1 coding bootcamp with a 3% acceptance rate.
Our goal was to create a useful and beautiful travel planning app that anyone could use to make travel planning easier. As a team, we were also interested in learning Material UI, the most popular React library, and the Google Places API.
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node
- Google Places (fetches place data)
- Unsplash (fetches images of destination)
- React
- Redux
- Axios (JS AJAX library)
- Material-UI (React components library that implements Google's Material Design UI philosophy)
Steven Inouye
- Work with MongoDB**
- Google Places**
- Interaction between FE and BE
- Routes
- Permalinks**
- Edge Cases
- UX
- Material UI
- Custom React Maps Component**
- Themeing+
- Scoping
- Git Workflow
Each person choose one thing and add here
- Add, edit, and remove attractions from a generated plan
- Browse accomodations from AirBnb API
- Browse flights to and from destination via a flights API
- Generate an estimated cost of trip including accomodation and flights
- Customize your generated plan based on attraction tags
What needs to be done (delete when finished):
- Description of project, including goals
- Link to live demo and/or instructions on how to use and run code
- List of techs/languages/plugins/APIs used
- Technical implementation details for anything worth mentioning (basically anything you had to stop and think about before building)
- Include links to the neatest parts of the code, or embed snippets
- Include screenshots of anything that looks pretty
- To-dos and future features