
Project Description

This week's assignment required me to build a day planner application with a small amount of starter code mostly covering the jumbotron a much of the CSS style sheet. When the user first ever loads the page they will be greeted by a very brief explanation of the page as well as the title "Work Day Scheduler". Immediately under that is the current date then a line seperating the banner area from the actual scheduler. The scheduler populates the standard workday times in the left column (9am-5pm) and has save buttons lining the right side that serve to save the contents of the corresponding middle column. All of the middle columns start off blank and the user can type their daily tasks in those slots. Once the content is entered and the corresponding save button is clicked the user's input is saved to the localstorage and will remain in this slots when the page is reloaded unless cleared/resaved by the user.

Link to application on Github:


Link to deployed application:


Screenshot of final page:

Completed Application Full Page