
code for the now-defunct hosted semiphemeral.com tweet deleting service

Primary LanguagePython



The hosted version of semiphemeral.

Staging and production infrastructure

To backup and restore, you need postgresql-client installed.


  • terraform (snap install terraform)
  • doctl (snap install doctl), and authenticate
  • Python 3+, and these pip dependencies:
poetry install

Copy vars-terraform-sample.json to vars-terraform.json and edit it to add a DigitalOcean API token, and the fingerprint of an SSH key uploaded to DigitalOcean. Copy vars-ansible-sample.json to vars-ansible.json and edit it to add Twitter app credentials.

Use devops.py. Each command requires passing in either staging or prod:

$ poetry run ./devops.py
Usage: devops.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Deploy semiphemeral.com

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  ansible-app             Deploy and configure infrastructure app server
  ansible-app-update      Update the app on already-deployed app server
  ansible-db              Deploy and configure infrastructure db server
  backup-prod-to-staging  Create backup on prod, restore it to
  backup-restore-app      Restore app backup
  backup-restore-db       Restore db backup
  backup-save-app         Save app backup
  backup-save-db          Save db backup
  destroy-staging         Destroy staging infrastructure
  forward-postgres        Forward the postgres port to localhost, using SSH
  ssh-app                 SSH to app server
  ssh-db                  SSH to db server

When you run deploy, it will use terraform to deploy/update DigitalOcean infrastructure, and then use ansible to ensure the server is configured.

Deploy staging

poetry shell
./devops.py staging-create
./devops.py ansible-db staging
./devops.py ansible-app staging
./devops.py ansible-app-update staging