It may be possible to run this with older versions of these dependencies but the listed versions are the one that this has been tested with and built for.
- Ruby >= 2.2.2
- Docker Compose >= 1.1.0
- Boot2Docker >= 1.5.0
- IOJS >= 2.5.0
Add an environment variable to your bash profile with the boot2docker ip:
export DOCKER_IP=$(boot2docker ip)
Install all the gems:
bundle install
Install npm packages:
npm install
Make a copy of the database configuration:
cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
Create the database:
./bin/rake db:setup
Run the migrations:
./bin/rake db:migrate
Make sure boot2docker is running:
boot2docker up
Start up the database and other services in the background.
docker-compose up -d
To run all of the processes:
npm start
If you only want to run the rails server:
./bin/rails s