- ajsyaChair of Republic
- bekirmavus
- bhumika-gupta
- bobcat0701Seattle, Washington, United States
- BraydenTWThe Milky Way
- Cequallium
- cleverhareKharagpur, India
- coreequipGermany
- cruncher12
- DogCatPuppyLover
- EkmandVivint
- grngxdLondon, UK
- GyroxCodeAtlantis
- harrthoBerlin
- iamperry294
- jessiejsThe people in the building to the left of me cannot be trusted
- joshpinto6The Universe ☄
- mariadhari6Politeknik Negeri Indramayu
- Merlin04@FrameworkComputer
- micahlt@MadeBySpeak
- MiniKiwiGeek
- mokuAlt
- Mokuroh64
- Oren-LindseyNorth Carolina
- petabytBare metal at @futo-org
- psbaruah
- PurpleZenAlpha Centauri
- quackduckPurdue / PSP: AC / Hack Club
- rajansagarwalKino AI
- robert-gollHack Club
- ronaldleung1
- thomasmalleyPostcode Lotterie DT gGmbH
- TurtleCode84TurtleCode Enterprises
- VelocityDesignOklahoma, US
- wollygfxHapow Org
- YodaLightsabr@hackclub