Policy calculations (exercise)


  • Ruby 2.2.3


  • Clone the repo locally.
  • Prepare the system: bundle
  • Initialise the database: bundle exec rake db:setup
  • Run the server: bundle exec rails server
  • Browse to http://localhost:3000 and try it out.

To activate the challenge features, browse to http://localhost:3000/flipper and enable them. If you want to see the date of birth feature, enable birthday_ui; to see the departure and return date feature, enable holiday_ui.

To run the feature specs: bundle exec spinach

To run the unit tests: bundle exec rspec

Brief rationale for gem & methodology choices

DB: SQLite

For this kind of small-scale exercise I didn't see a point in using a full RDBMS. SQLite does the job!

Plain views

I've used standard Bootstrap and a couple of basic plugins as this is the fastest way to get something up and running that doesn't look too shabby.

BDD: Spinach

I prefer Spinach over Cucumber because, for step definitions, it uses standard OOP rather than Cucumber's convoluted DSL, making sharing code between features cleaner and easier to read.

Feature toggles: Flipper

I am using the feature toggle library Flipper in order to show (and test) the various versions of the form mentioned (i.e. with the 'bonus challenge' features enabled or disabled).

Page Object Model: SitePrism

This is definitely overkill for such a small project. But the point is to show off, right? :) I'm in the habit of using SitePrism for larger projects because it keeps Spinach step definitions clean of view implementation details (such as CSS selectors); not only does this make the step definitions clearer, it means that usually only the SitePrism code needs to be updated after cosmetic view changes.

Next / todo

  • Get the date pickers to use proper date format rather than American