
千与千寻 区块链寻找你失去的物品……

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SCNU LOST GOODS Business Network

This is the SCNU LOST GOODS of Hyperledger Composer samples.

This business network defines:

Participant Person, SystemAdmin

Asset GoodsAsset, WalletAsset


  • SubmitLostGoodsTransaction: I lost my goods, submit and write it to blockchain;
  • SubmitFoundGoodsTransaction: I found something, submit and write it to blockchain;
  • SubmitLostGoodsTransaction: Someone revert lost goods, submit and write it to blockchain;
  • PickTransaction: Someone picked your lost goods and tell everyone I found it;
  • RevertTransaction: Picker reverts the lost goods to STUU and reward picker (if exists) 10 coins;
  • ReturnBackTransaction: Lost goods are returned back to its owner and reward picker (if exists) 90 coins;
  • CancelTransaction: Owner cancel to find his goods;
  • InitWalletTransaction: Owner init his wallet when registering.

Read lost.cto to know structure of transactions

Event GoodsLostEvent, GoodsFoundEvent, GoodsRevertedEvent, GoodsReturnEvent, GoodsCancelEvent, WalletInitEvent, WalletCoinChangeEvent


This project can run in Hyperledger Composer Playground, you can browse composer-playground.mybluemix.net to test online demo. If you live in China Mainland, maybe you can not connect to this website but use proxy or VPN to bypass the firewall.

To test this Business Network Definition in the Test tab:

Create a SchoolParticipant participant:

  "$class": "cn.edu.scnu.lost.SchoolParticipant",
  "cardId": "20180123",
  "name": "Toby",
  "department": "Network Center"

Submit a SubmitLostGoodsTransaction transaction:

  "$class": "cn.edu.scnu.lost.SubmitLostGoodsTransaction",
  "goodsId": "1",
  "type": "STUDENT_ECARD"

After submitting this transaction, you should now see the transaction in the Transaction Registry and that a GoodsLostEvent has been emitted. And new lost goods is submitted in Blockchain.




Namespace: cn.edu.scnu

A normal user of university, including students, teachers, staffs and other people.

Person CAN submit infomation of goods that he lost or found. If person give up, he can cancel and remove the information of his own lost goods.


Namespace: cn.edu.scnu.lost

A administator of SCNU-LOST-GOODS system, including super admin, admin and student assistants.

ONLY SystemAdmin CAN DO REVERTING and RETURNING transactions.



Fields Name Type Default Description
goodsId String required None ID of goods
owner Person optional None Owner of goods
picker Person optional None Who pick this goods
receiver SystemAdmin optional None Who goods reverted to
state GoodsState required 'LOST' Statement of goods
type GoodsType required None Type of goods
subject String optional None Name of this goods
description String optional None More detial of goods
canceledReason String optional None Reason why owner canceled
revertedPlace String optional None Place where goods was reverted
returnedPlace String optional None Place where goods was returned
createAt DateTime required None Time of goods is submitted
foundAt DateTime optional None Time of goods is found
revertedAt DateTime optional None Time of goods is reverted
finishAt DateTime optional None Time of goods is canceled or returned


Fields Name Type Default Description
userId String required None User ID of wallet
coin Integer required 0 Coin count of wallet



  • GZ_UNITOWN_ECARD: Guangzhou university town E-Card
  • STUDENT_ID_CARD: Student ID Card
  • TRANSPORT_PASS: Transport pass, such as Yangchengtong
  • MOBILE_PHONE: Mobile phone
  • BICYCLE: Bicycle
  • LAPTOP: Laptop
  • KEY_PAIR: Key pair
  • OTHERS: Other goods


  • LOST: This goods is lost
  • FOUND: This goods is found but not reverted
  • REVERTED: This goods is reverted and stayed in STUU Station
  • RETURNED: This goods is returned to its owner
  • CANCELED: The owner canceled this order


  • SUPER_ADMIN: Super admin of this system, such as teacher
  • ADMIN: Admin of this system, such as leader students
  • ASSISTANT: People who work in STUU Station and are in charge of reverting and returning

