
for chatting

Primary LanguageJavaScript


for chatting


Peer to peer chat app

Node server does the following:

  • Serves a few static assets
  • Server-renders a single root path
  • Upgrades to a websocket server
  • Serves as a signaling server for initiating p2p connections


  • Manages a websocket connection to the signaling server
  • Creates or joins an existing chat session via websocket
  • Connects to peer to send text messages

to run

git clone micburks/chat micburks-chat
cd micburks-chat
yarn start
# cross fingers you don't hit a race condition

what is next

TURN/STUN server

  • obviously this only works on a local network, would need NAT traversal for public use


  • the signaling server is a critical user flow, needs integration tests


  • Use a proper database - lots of race conditions with current approach
  • Ideally chats and users would have a one-to-many in the data model
  • Destroy chats when all users disconnect
  • It doesn't make much sense to create new instances of Database class
  • Better tracking of connected users


  • More robust error handling for sockets/p2p

user flow

  • Design a UI that isn't hideous
  • Ask creator when another user tries to enter the chat, only share chatId when approved
  • There are race conditions in the UI where you can send a message before p2p is established

chats can have multiple users

  • This is possible but requires keeping track of all peers, connecting to each, and sending messages to all

offline usage

  • messages should be batched in case websocket/p2p is temporarily lost
  • service worker may also be able to store outgoing messages queue when offline