follow steps here to deploy this RI.
add CICD to Drone Status using Azure Pipelines with YAML and Azure Functions Slots.
- create Azure DevOps account
- add Azure subscription as service connection
- optionally, assign service connection application to role, so it is allowed to create new azure resources
- create a Github or Azure Repos repository
Clone and add remote
git clone && \
cd serverless-reference-implementation && \
git remote add <remote-name> <remote-url> # this remote url corresponds to the prerequisite step 4th
Export the following environment variables
export SERVICECONNECTION=<service-connection-name> # use the name configured in the 2nd prerequisite step
export LOCATION=<location>
export RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group>
export APPNAME=<app-name> # less or equal than 6 chars
export SLOTNAME=<slot-name>
Replace azure pipeline place holders
sed -i "s#ServiceConnectionName: '<serviceconnection>'#ServiceConnectionName: '$SERVICECONNECTION'#g" azure-pipelines.yml && \
sed -i "s#Location: '<location>'#Location: '$LOCATION'#g" azure-pipelines.yml && \
sed -i "s#ResourceGroup: '<resourcegroup>'#ResourceGroup: '$RESOURCEGROUP'#g" azure-pipelines.yml && \
sed -i "s#AppName: '<appName>'#AppName: '$APPNAME'#g" azure-pipelines.yml && \
sed -i "s#SlotName: '<slotName>'#SlotName: '$SLOTNAME'#g" azure-pipelines.yml
Push changes to azure repos or github
git push <remote-name> master
Follow instructions below to configure your first Azure Pipeline
Get your first build with Azure Pipelines
Note: this first build will attemp to execute the azurepipeline.yml against master
Trigger the CICD pipeline by pushing to staging
git checkout -b staging && \
git push <remote-name> staging
Note: also feature branches are going through the CI pipeline.
Follow CICD from Azure Pipelines