
Upload file tree to Cloudinary CDN

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Cloudinary upload tree

This is a python script to upload a folder and its subfolders to Cloudinary CDN.

Transformation quota

Every image or video upload counts on your Transformation quota, since Cloudinary analyses the image and prepares it for the CDN.

Use raw resource_type so image uploads will not count on your Transformation quota. See https://cloudinary.com/blog/understanding_cloudinary_s_transformation_quotas


Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: pycloud-upload [-h] 
    --cloud_name CLOUD_NAME 
    --api_key API_KEY 
    --api_secret API_SECRET
    [--destination-folder DESTINATION_FOLDER] 
    [--unique-filename] [--no-unique-filename] 
    [--use-filename] [--no-use-filename] 
    [--exclude-files EXCLUDE_FILES] 
    [--tag TAGS] 
    [--resource-type {image,raw,video,auto}]
    [--concurrent_workers CONCURRENT_WORKERS]

Upload a tree folder to Cloudinary

positional arguments:
  base_folder           Base folder to upload

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cloud_name CLOUD_NAME, -c CLOUD_NAME
                        Cloudinary cloud name (default: None)
  --api_key API_KEY, -a API_KEY
                        Cloudinary API key (default: None)
  --api_secret API_SECRET, -s API_SECRET
                        Cloudinary API secret (default: None)
                        Destination base folder (default: None)
  --unique-filename     When set to true, add random characters at the end of the filename that guarantee its uniqueness. This
                        parameter is relevant only if use_filename is also set to true. (default: False)
  --no-unique-filename  When set to false, does not add random characters at the end of the filename that guarantee its uniqueness.
                        This parameter is relevant only if use_filename is also set to true. (default: False)
  --use-filename        When true, the uploaded file's original filename becomes the Public ID. Random characters are appended to the
                        filename value to ensure Public ID uniqueness if unique_filename is true. (default: True)
  --no-use-filename     When false, the Public ID will be comprised of random characters. (default: True)
  --exclude-files EXCLUDE_FILES, -x EXCLUDE_FILES
                        Exclude files (default: [])
  --tag TAGS, -t TAGS   Set tags on uploaded files (default: [])
  --resource-type {image,raw,video,auto}, -r {image,raw,video,auto}
                        Set resource type. raw means no transformation on upload (default: auto)
                        Specify number of concurrent network threads. (default: 10)


python pycloud-upload.py
        -r raw                
        -c ahpn 
        -a API_KEY 
        -s SECRET
        --destination-folder CLOUDINARY_DESTINATION_FOLDER 

python pycloud-upload.py
    -c ahpn -a API_KEY -s SECRET_KEY
    -r raw 
    --destination-folder tiles/poblenou-1871/20/530565 

Cloudinary CLI

Have a look at it https://cloudinary.com/documentation/cloudinary_cli

Upload directory

It does not allow to set raw resource_type so every upload will count for your Transformation quota.

cld -C ahpn upload_dir -f "tiles/poblenou-1871" ~/Downloads/1871/1871/20/530564