
Repository for shell script to automate Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on older WHM < 58 version.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

What is this?

This is respository for shell script to automate installation Let's Encrypt SSL certificates generated by certbot-auto into WHM-based Linux server.


Latest WHM adds Let's Encrypt SSL certificate plugin, however CPanel dropped support for Centos 6 32-bit system.

This is for WHM user who stuck on WHM version < 58 but want to use Let's Encrypt SSL certificates automated domain validation tools.



Login to SSH and clone this repository.


Install Certificates

# ./letsencrypt.whm.ssl.install.sh [working directory] [domain name]

[working directory] is web root directory of [domain name] to store temporary http challenge for domain validation. [domain name] is domain name to generate certificate.

# ./letsencrypt.whm.ssl.install.sh /home/userxxx/public_html example.com

If you install certbot-auto in directory that is not in PATH environment variable then you can specify absolute path using CERTBOT_EXEC variable. For example

# CERTBOT_EXEC=/usr/local/certbot/certbot-auto ./letsencrypt.whm.ssl.install.sh /home/userxxx/public_html example.com

Renew Certificates

# ./letsencrypt.whm.renew.sh

If you install certbot-auto in directory that is not in PATH environment variable then you can specify absolute path using CERTBOT_EXEC variable.

# CERTBOT_EXEC=/path/to/certbot-auto ./letsencrypt.whm.renew.sh

For example

# CERTBOT_EXEC=/usr/local/letsencrypt/certbot-auto ./letsencrypt.whm.renew.sh

letsencrypt.wh.renew.sh is script that you need to run periodically with cron to avoid issue with expired SSL certificates. This script calls certbot-auto renew command. It is save to call this periodically as explained here.

Unlike certonly, renew acts on multiple certificates and always takes into account whether each one is near expiry. Because of this, renew is suitable (and designed) for automated use, to allow your system to automatically renew each certificate when appropriate. Since renew only renews certificates that are near expiry it can be run as frequently as you want - since it will usually take no action.

Install SSL Certificate manually

If you already have Lets Encrypt SSL certificate generated, you can manually install the certificate without generating new certificate.

whm.install.cert.sh installs existing Lets Encrypt SSL certificate for a domain name.

# ./whm.install.cert.sh [domain name]

Zamrony P. Juhara