
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

DARKCAST HAS MIGRATED TO darkcast/releases!

This repository is being kept for archival purposes, but will no longer be updated. Please use the new repository darkcast/releases for a more up-to-date versions of Darkcast.


Darkcast is the companion software package to the paper Serendipity in dark photon searches and is a framework for recasting constraints from dark photon searches into other models. The Darkcast package is written as a module in Python and has no external dependencies, sans Python itself. To begin recasting, download the source and try running some of the examples:

wget https://gitlab.com/philten/darkcast/-/archive/master/darkcast-master.tar.gz
tar -xzvf darkcast-master.tar.gz
mv darkcast-master darkcast
cd darkcast/examples

There are a number of examples provided corresponding to the figures of Serendipity in dark photon searches. Each can be run as:

python <example>.py

where <example>.py is the relevant example. If the Python plotting module matplotlib is available, all the examples will produce plots in the PDF format. Otherwise, only text output of the recasting will be produced, which can be read in by the user's plotting utility of choice.

  1. bfrac.py: this example calculates the $\mu\mu$, $ee$, $\nu\nu$ and hadronic branching fractions for all the available models in Darkcast. This will produce the output bfrac_<model>_<channel>.txt where each file gives the branching fraction for the given model and channel. The first column is the $X$ boson mass in GeV and the second column is the branching fraction. The plots bfrac_<model>.pdf will also be produced.
  2. visible.py: loads all the available visible limits and recasts them to all the available models. Depending on the machine, this example can take some time. To avoid clutter a recast directory is created in the directory the example is run from and text file are produced in the format recast/<model>/<limit>.lmt. For each limit the first column is the $X$ boson mass in GeV, the second column is the lower global coupling limit, and if the limit is two-sided an optional third column gives the upper global coupling limit.
  3. invisible.py: is the same as visible.py but now recasts all the invisible limits. The text file limits are written to the same directory structure as visible.py
  4. user.py: demonstrates how new user defined models and limits can be written, and outputs the limits recast/<model>/user_limit.lmt for the user limit defined by user_limit.py using the models dark_photon and user_model. Here, user_model is defined by user_model.py. Optionally, the plot user.pdf is produced. The following files are used by user_limit.py, where details on how each of these files can be used are given in user_limit.py.
  • user_limit_single.lmt: defines an example lower bound limit.
  • user_limit_double.lmt: defines an example double-sided limit.
  • user_limit_rvalue.lmt: defines an example full limit using r-values.
  • user_limit.prd: defines the production mechanisms for the limit.
  1. logo.py: draws the Darkcast logo.

The following is a simple usage example which recasts the prompt LHCb dark photon limits to the $B$ boson model.

# Load the module.
import darkcast

# Change any global parameters, here the speed of light (m/s).
darkcast.pars.c = 3e8

# Load a limit, here the LHCb prompt limit.
limit = darkcast.Limit('LHCb_Aaij2017rft_prompt')

# Print the notes and BibTex for the limit.
print limit.notes
print limit.bibtex

# Load a model for recasting.
model = darkcast.Model('B_boson')

# Recast from the limit model to the new model.
recast = limit.recast(model)

# Write out the recast limit.


When using Darkcast, please cite Serendipity in dark photon searches as published in JHEP. Individual citations are also provided for each limit via limit.bibtex and a comprehensive list of references is provided in the refs directory.


Darkcast is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2, or later and is copyrighted (C) 2021 by Philip Ilten, Yotam Soreq, Mike Williams, and Wei Xue.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License or LICENSE for more details.


The structure of Darkcast is as follows, beginning at the top level.

  • README.md: is this file.
  • __init__.py: initializes the Darkcast package.
  • efficiency.py: defines the Efficiency class used to calculate efficiency ratios.
  • limit.py: defines the classes used to create a limit.
  • model.py: defines the classes needed to create model.
  • pars.py: contains all the parameters used by Darkcast.
  • production.py: defines the needed classes for calculating production ratios.
  • utils.py: contains auxiliary utilities which are not physics related.

All available limits distributed with Darkcast are provided here. Each limit is defined by the file <experiment>_<INSPIRE tag>_<optional information>.py. For each limit, the corresponding bounds are provided by the *.lmt files. Some limits require complex production mechanism fractions to be defined; this is done with the *.prd files.

When limits are loaded in Darkcast via:

import darkcast
limit = darkcast.Limit('name')

the following search paths are used.

  1. The current directory within the Python interpreter.
  2. The paths defined by the environment variable DARKCAST_LIMIT_PATH.
  3. The limits directory of the Darkcast package.

Any data required by the limits is searched along the following paths:

  1. The absolute path, if the absolute path is given.
  2. The current directory within the Python interpreter.
  3. The paths defined by the environment variable DARKCAST_DATA_PATH.
  4. The Darkcast package directory.

All available models distributed with Darkcast are provided here. Each model is defined by the file <model>.py. Currently, dark photon, $B$ boson, $B-L$ boson, and protophobic models are defined. When models are loaded in Darkcast via:

import darkcast
model = darkcast.Model('name')

the following search paths are used.

  1. The current directory within the Python interpreter.
  2. The paths defined by the environment variable DARKCAST_MODEL_PATH.
  3. The models directory of the Darkcast package.

A relatively comprehensive set of projected future limits are provided. While an attempt has been made to define the relevant efficiencies and production mechanisms for these projections, no validation has been performed, and recasting these projections may give nonsensical results.

The recasted bounds for all valid limits in limits and reach are provided here in recast/limits and recast/reach respectively. A sub-directory is provided for each model defined in models. These recast limits are generated by running python examples/visible.py, python examples/invisible.py, and python examples/reach.py. For reference details on each recast limit, please consult the bibtex member of the corresponding limit:

import darkcast
limit = darkcast.Limit('BaBar_Lees2014xha') 
print limit.bibtex

Note that the recasted reaches have not been fully validated.

This directory contains a .tex and .bib file that provide easy access to dark-sector references.

This directory contains all the VMD data needed to calculate limits. Twelve curves are provided, giving the $\mathcal{R}_\mu^\mathcal{F}(m)$ curves of figure 1 from Serendipity in dark photon searches. Here, $\mathcal{F}$ specifies the final state. Each final state is divided into its $\omega$, $\phi$, and $\rho^0$ components, including the $\omega-\phi$ interference term. All curves are given as a function of $m$ in GeV.

LXPLUS (ATLAS specific) Directions

Depending on the default environmnent for a user on LXPLUS, it is possible that Darkcast will not work out of the box. Specifically, LHCb and CMS users appear to have no issue, while ATLAS users do. This typically is because the Python version is too old (less than 2.7). Additionally, matplotlib is not necessarily available by default and so plotting function may not work out of the box.

During a recent Darkcast tutorial, Caterina Doglioni suggested the following prescription for setting up a working Darkcast environment for ATLAS users via a conda environment.

# Requires a graphical session (conda will look for DISPLAY), e.g. ssh -Y.
wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
chmod 755 Miniconda2-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
# When asked to put the miniconda directory in your PATH say no.
export PATH=$PWD/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
conda create --name=darkcastenv python=2.7
source activate darkcastenv
conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib
# Every time you log in then run the following.
export PATH=/afs/cern.ch/user/d/doglioni/Work/miniconda2/bin:$PATH
source activate darkcastenv


  • v1.2 - current
    • Added updated SHiP projections provided by Atakan Tugberk Akmete and Anne-Marie Magnan.
  • v1.1 - 05/03/2021
    • Added limits and preferred bands from electron and muon anomalous magnetic moment measurements.
    • Allow for decoupled decay and production.
    • Included new BaBar dimuon measurement.
  • v1.0 - 16/12/2020
    • First full release of the Darkcast code. The code has been used relatively extensively with a number of external validations.
    • Mass dependent couplings have been added.
    • New models, including various lepton number scenarios with loop induced contributions, have been added.
    • In most cases, reach limits can now be recast.
    • A number of new limits have been added.
  • v0.2 - 09/04/2019
    • Second beta release of the Darkcast code. A number of limits have been added, including reach for future experiments.
  • v0.1 - 31/05/2018
    • First beta release of the full Darkcast code.