
small script that allows to scrape public japan meteo data

Primary LanguagePython


saves weather data from Japan Meteorogical Agency web-site http://www.data.jma.go.jp/ usage: python jma-reader.py interval station_id year start_month end_month

interval - (hourly, 10min) - hourly or 10 minute weather data station_id - weather station id. (Haramachi=0288; Iitate=1130; Soma=0285; Tsushima=1150) year - year start_month - month to start from end_month - month to end

Assumes there's 31 day in month, so you need to delete one file if there is only 30 days (like in June and September) example gets hourly data for Haramachi station from May to October 2011 python jma-reader.py hourly 0288 2011 05 10