
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fitness Tracker v14

Project Archived

Please use the following version higher: https://github.com/michael-255/fitness-tracker-v16


  • Need to find a way to clean up the tables and other large components (props and events)

  • Might need to do the dialogs as seperate pages (routes)

  • Might want to manage with state (createItem, editItem, etc.)

    • CreateDialog on openCreateDialog load defaults into input state (reset on save)
    • EditDialog on openEditDialog load id data into input state (reset on save)
  • Complete MeasurementsView to figure out how to complete similar views

    • Create action (fullscreen dialog)
      • [] New Measurement Activity
      • New Measurement Record
    • Edit action (fullscreen dialog)
      • Existing Measurement Activity
      • Existing Measurement Record
    • Details action (fullscreen dialog)
      • Make it more readable
    • Report action (fullscreen dialog)
      • Viewable Measurement Records as a graphed Report

Secondary Todos

  • Additional Measurements

    • Water Intake (oz or ml)
    • Calories (value?)
  • Build out core Input components

    • ExerciseSet
      • Component setup
      • Control based on Track Booleans
  • Global Dialogs (less repeated code)

    • Use STATE to manage them
    • ConfirmDialog
      • confirmFunc
      • STATE for activation
    • FullscreenDialog
      • saveFunc
      • STATE for activation
  • App Logs View

    • Clear
    • Report
    • Details
    • Delete
  • Measurements View

    • Activities Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
    • Records Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • Exercises View

    • Activities Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
    • Records Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • Workouts View

    • Activities Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
    • Records Tab
      • Create
      • Clear
      • Report
      • Details
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • How to overwrite route history

  • Fix Options View

  • Build reusable components for activity/record views

    • Remove options that are no longer needed
  • Build basic tests for composable files (use)

  • Complete ActiveWorkout view

    • Layout (header/footer)
    • Input fields for exercises
    • Placeholder page if workout id is gone (search if its done?)
  • App Functionality

    • Find out how to unit test your composables
    • UseVue for days before/since
    • Workouts and exercises (with varying fields)
    • Record history and charts
    • Enitity editing (CRUD)
    • Field validation
    • Fitness data importer/exporter
    • Validators for LocalDatabase creates and edits
  • LAST!!! Flesh out app theme/design elements

Various Ideas

New fields for certain types:

const _Entity = {
  updatedAt: 'equals createdAt when made',
const Activity = {
  categories: 'array of Category enums',
  equipment: 'array of Equipment enums',

Notes from Jest Talk

  • ts-jest
  • JestConfig
    • Coverage Reports
    • Max concurrency
  • package.json > args = --watch --verbose --silent
    • silent means no console logs
  • Typescript: Partial<T>
  • Jest object comparison using .toStrictEqual(...)
  • npx jest vs npm jest
  • Process: Given > When > Then
  • Jest coverageThreshold *
  • Setup TS info for mock
    • jest.mock('...')
  • use as const to see extra TS info
  • aws-sdk-client-mock (v3)
    • mockClient(...) <- S3, etc.
  • Example repo: swftdev/typescript-testing


Hygen Updates (hygen class new)

  • Parameters
    • Parameter name:
    • Parameter type:
      • Simple types...
      • Custom type
    • Parameter usage:
      • Required
      • Optional
      • Defaulted
    • Parameter default value:
    • Parameter updatable? (LocalDatabase classes only)
      • boolean
    • Parameter inherited?
      • boolean
  parameters: [
      paramName: 'sets',
      paramType: 'ExerciseSet[]',
      paramUsage: 'Defaulted',
      paramDefault: [],
      paramUpdatable: true,
      paramInherited: true,
    // more parameters...

Design Drafts

// Importer & Exporter
interface ExportSummary {
  appVersion: number
  exporterVersion: number
  createdAt: date
  totalCategories: number
  totalEquipment: number
  totalWorkouts: number
  totalWorkoutRecords: number
  totalExercises: number
  totalExerciseRecords: number
  totalMeasurementRecords: number
  categories: []
  equipment: []
  workouts: []
  workoutRecords: []
  exercises: []
  exerciseRecords: []
  measurementRecords: []
#                                                                             #
#                           POST CLONING REMINDERS:                           #
#                                                                             #
#  - Update package.json file                                                 #
#    - "name"                                                                 #
#    - "description"                                                          #
#    - "version"                                                              #
#    - "repository"                                                           #
#    - "bugs"                                                                 #
#    - "homepage"                                                             #
#  - Update this README.md file                                               #
#    - Remove unneeded sections (even this one)                               #
#    - Add detailed project description below heading                         #
#  - Update GitHub repository settings                                        #
#    - Description                                                            #
#    - Website                                                                #
#    - Topics                                                                 #
#    - The "Include in the home page" section                                 #
#                                                                             #

Table of Contents


Install the project dependencies.

npm i

Launch the dev server site.

npm run dev

Build the project dist directory.

npm run build

Run tests and coverage report (press q to quit).

npm test

Build and deploy the dist directory.

npm run deploy

Check for outdated packages.

npm outdated

Update packages based on package.json version settings. Test if you update to the latest version.

npm upgrade

Project Setup

Vue 3 with Vite

Initialize a new Vue 3 project with Vite and follow the prompts.

npm init vue@latest


Setup may require you to install the c8 package when you first run vitest.

There are at least two test scripts in the package.json file. One that generates a coverage report (slow). One that does NOT generate a coverage report (fast).


I've included the .vscode folder in this project. It has extension recommendations and some useful code snippets.

Git Ignore

Setup with some good defaults based on the default node project .gitignore file.


Setup .prettierrc.js and .prettierignore files that should work with ESLint using eslint-config-prettier package.

GitHub Pages

Install gh-pages for GitHub Pages deployments.

npm i -D gh-pages

Use the deploy script in package.json to build and deploy your project. It makes a copy of the index.html in dist as 404.html to address complications related to routing. This let's you avoid using hash based routing (which looks ugly).


The amazing chart.js package.

npm i chart.js

The Vue 3 wrapper for chart.js (vue-chart-3).

npm i vue-chart-3


TODO: Might be switching to the Quasar CLI with Vite setup...

Install quasar and it's extras if desired (fonts, icons, etc).

npm i quasar @quasar/extras

Install the Quasar Vite plugin and SASS.

npm i -D @quasar/vite-plugin sass@1.32.0

Use the configurator tool to help setup Quasar for your specific project. It generates the files you'll need to copy over based on your selection.



A wrapper package for IndexedDB in the browser.

Using this package to store the apps data in an easy to use local database. I've wrapped Dexie with a class called LocalDatabase in this project.

Installing the package.

npm i dexie


Code generator that internally makes use of the inquirer (or enquirer) package.

Install the latest version globally.

npm i -g hygen

Initialize in a project only once. You should see a ~/_templates directory.

hygen init self

My Boilerplate Generators

  • class
  • util

Create a new Hygen generator with the following steps:

  1. Create a generator NAME directory in ~/_templates

    • Like class, component, or util
  2. Create a generator ACTION directory in the NAME directory

    • Like new, add, or help
  3. Add your generator files to the ACTION directory

    • *.ejf.t
    • *.test.ejs.t
    • index.js (if using console prompts)

You can run your generators with the following command.

hygen {NAME} {ACTION}

You can run your ACTION help files with the following command.

hygen {NAME} help


Common services you can reuse in other projects located at ~/src/services/*

  • LocalDatabase
  • LocalStorage
  • Logger


Common utilities you can reuse in other projects located at ~/src/utils/*

  • build-id
  • common
  • date-time

Additional Notes

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Type Support for .vue Imports in TS

TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue imports by default, so we replace the tsc CLI with vue-tsc for type checking. In editors, we need TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) to make the TypeScript language service aware of .vue types.

If the standalone TypeScript plugin doesn't feel fast enough to you, Volar has also implemented a Take Over Mode that is more performant. You can enable it by the following steps:

  1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension
    1. Run Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions from VSCode's command palette
    2. Find TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features, right click and select Disable (Workspace)
  2. Reload the VSCode window by running Developer: Reload Window from the command palette.

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.