
Vue 3 web application template to use as a starting point for new projects.

Primary LanguageVue

Web App Template

Vue 3 web application template to use as a starting point for new projects.

Development Notes

  • Avoid adding animations right now
  • Focus on getting the Web App Template working before worrying about the tests
  • Look into using D3 for charts at some point


I need a good set of data to work with to test the charts.

  • Find a way to improve your test data and the charts with it (Date Adapters)
  • Structure the data in a way that your apps would:
    • createdAt, number, id as data points
  • Create 100's of data points spanning a few years
  • Have the Month and Year buttons reset the chart to the beginning of the month or year with visual helpers related to the setting useds
  • Clean up the chart appearance (legned, title, tooltips, etc.)
  • Find a way to build a reusable chart component that can handle your data


  • Charts Dialog Customized for each type (make use of Services)
    • Use horizontal scrolling for Charts and always include ALL data?
      • Have the ability to custom scale/zoom the chart?
      • Presets for zooming into month, year, or all time view?
    • ~/dialogs/DialogCharts.vue
    • ~/dialogs/charts/ChartExamples.vue
      • Chart whats attached to each example?
  • Instructions Overlay Refine this with real instructions
  • Vite - PWA Plugin Cleanup manifest?
  • Redue Tests! (removed due to being out-of-date)
  • App wide manual testing
  • Make sure README steps are correct and up-to-date

Post Cloning Steps

  • Update package.json

    • name
    • description
    • version
    • repository
    • bugs
    • homepage
  • Update specific files

    • base in ~/vite.config.ts to your repository name for deployments to work
    • AppName and AppDescription in ~/src/constants/global.ts
    • name and short_name in ~/public/manifest.json
    • start_url in ~/public/manifest.json to deployed website address
  • Update GitHub repository settings

    • Description

    • Website (Use GitHub Pages)

    • Topic keywords

    • Update the Include in the home page section

      • Uncheck Releases
      • Uncheck Packages
      • Keep Deployments (for GitHub Pages)
  • Update README.md

    • Change README main heading to your project name
    • Add detailed project description
    • Update the Credits section as needed
    • Remove unneeded Post Cloning Steps section
    • Remove unneeded Project Creation Steps section and ToC links

Table of Contents

Recommended IDE Setup

VSCode + Volar (and disable Vetur) + TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar).

Type Support for .vue Imports in TS

TypeScript cannot handle type information for .vue imports by default, so we replace the tsc CLI with vue-tsc for type checking. In editors, we need TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar) to make the TypeScript language service aware of .vue types.

If the standalone TypeScript plugin doesn't feel fast enough to you, Volar has also implemented a Take Over Mode that is more performant. You can enable it by the following steps:

  1. Disable the built-in TypeScript Extension
    1. Run Extensions: Show Built-in Extensions from VSCode's command palette
    2. Find TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features, right click and select Disable (Workspace)
  2. Reload the VSCode window by running Developer: Reload Window from the command palette.

Customize configuration

See Vite Configuration Reference.

Project Usage

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Type-Check, Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Run Unit Tests with Vitest

npm run test:unit

Run End-to-End Tests with Cypress

npm run test:e2e:dev

This runs the end-to-end tests against the Vite development server. It is much faster than the production build.

But it's still recommended to test the production build with test:e2e before deploying (e.g. in CI environments):

npm run build
npm run test:e2e

Lint with ESLint

npm run lint

Project Creation Steps

I've listed links to documentation along with steps I took to create this project below.

  1. Setup Vue

    Create the Vue project directory and initial files.

    • Navigate to the directory you would like to create the project in
    • Run the create Vue command
    • Use the selections you would like for your project
    • Navigate into your project directory and install the dependencies
    npm create vue@latest
    ✔ Project name: PROJECT_NAME
    ✔ Add TypeScript? Yes
    ✔ Add JSX Support? No
    ✔ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? Yes
    ✔ Add Pinia for state management? Yes
    ✔ Add Vitest for Unit testing? Yes
    ✔ Add an End-to-End Testing Solution? Cypress
    ✔ Add ESLint for code quality? Yes
    ✔ Add Prettier for code formatting? Yes
    npm install
  2. Setup GitHub Pages

    Configure GitHub Pages to deploy using GitHub Actions.

    • Add base: '/REPO_NAME/' to vite.config.ts
    • In GitHub for this repository, go to Settings > Pages
    • Under Build and Deployment > Source, select GitHub Actions
    • Create this workflow file in ~/.github/workflows/deploy-github-pages.yml
    name: Deploy static content to GitHub Pages
    run-name: Deploying "${{ github.repository }}" to GitHub Pages
            branches: ['main']
        # Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
    # Sets the GITHUB_TOKEN permissions to allow deployment to GitHub Pages
        contents: read
        pages: write
        id-token: write
    # Allow one concurrent deployment
        group: 'pages'
        cancel-in-progress: true
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                name: github-pages
                url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}
                # Information
                - name: Workflow Information
                run: |
                    echo "Repository: ${{ github.repository }}"
                    echo "Ref: ${{ github.ref }}"
                    echo "Commit SHA: ${{ github.sha }}"
                    echo "Run ID: ${{ github.run_id }}"
                    echo "Actor: ${{ github.actor }}"
                    echo "Event Name: ${{ github.event_name }}"
                # Build
                - name: Checkout
                uses: actions/checkout@v4
                - name: Set up Node
                uses: actions/setup-node@v3
                    node-version: 18
                    cache: 'npm'
                - name: Install dependencies
                run: npm ci
                - name: Build
                run: npm run build
                # Test
                - name: Unit Test + Coverage
                run: npm test
                # Deploy
                - name: Setup Pages
                uses: actions/configure-pages@v3
                - name: Upload artifact
                uses: actions/upload-pages-artifact@v2
                    path: './dist'
                - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
                id: deployment
                uses: actions/deploy-pages@v2
  3. Configure Prettier

    Replace the .prettierrc.json file contents with these settings (optional).

        "$schema": "https://json.schemastore.org/prettierrc",
        "printWidth": 120,
        "tabWidth": 4,
        "useTabs": false,
        "semi": false,
        "singleQuote": true,
        "quoteProps": "as-needed",
        "trailingComma": "all",
        "bracketSpacing": true,
        "bracketSameLine": false,
        "arrowParens": "always",
        "proseWrap": "always",
        "htmlWhitespaceSensitivity": "css",
        "vueIndentScriptAndStyle": false,
        "endOfLine": "lf"
  4. Setup Quasar

    Install Quasar and the Vite plugin.

    npm install --save quasar @quasar/extras
    npm install --save-dev @quasar/vite-plugin sass@1.32.12

    Merge these changes into the vite.config.ts file.

    // FILE: vite.config.ts
    import { quasar, transformAssetUrls } from '@quasar/vite-plugin'
    import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
    import { URL, fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
    import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
    // https://vitejs.dev/config/
    export default defineConfig({
        plugins: [
                template: { transformAssetUrls },
                autoImportComponentCase: 'kebab',
        resolve: {
            alias: {
                '@': fileURLToPath(new URL('./src', import.meta.url)),
        base: '/web-app-template-v5/',
    // FILE: main.ts
    import './assets/main.css'
    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
    import { Meta, Dialog, Notify, Quasar } from 'quasar'
    import router from './router'
    import App from './App.vue'
    import quasarIconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/material-symbols-rounded'
    import '@quasar/extras/roboto-font/roboto-font.css'
    import '@quasar/extras/material-symbols-rounded/material-symbols-rounded.css'
    // A few examples for animations from Animate.css:
    // import @quasar/extras/animate/fadeIn.css
    // import @quasar/extras/animate/fadeOut.css
    import 'quasar/dist/quasar.css'
    const app = createApp(App)
    app.use(Quasar, {
        iconSet: quasarIconSet,
        plugins: {
        config: {
            dark: true,
            brand: {
                primary: '#1976d2', // indigo (Primary Brand Color)
                secondary: '#607d8b', // blue-grey (LOG)
                accent: '#673ab7', // deep-purple-6 (DEBUG)
                info: '#0d47a1', // blue-10 (INFO)
                warning: '#ff6f00', // amber-10 (WARN)
                negative: '#C10015', // negative (ERROR)
                positive: '#4caf50', // green
                dark: '#1d1d1d',
                'dark-page': '#121212',
            notify: {
                textColor: 'white',
                position: 'top',
                multiLine: false,
                timeout: 4000,
                actions: [
                        label: 'Dismiss',
                        color: 'white',
            // loading: {...}, // default set of options for Loading Quasar plugin
            // loadingBar: { ... }, // settings for LoadingBar Quasar plugin
            // ..and many more (check Installation card on each Quasar component/directive/plugin)
  5. Install Dexie for local database storage using IndexedDB

    npm install --save dexie
  6. Install Zod for data validation

    npm install --save zod
  7. Install VueUse for utilities

    npm install --save @vueuse/core


Base Web App Template created by Michael Joy (michael-255 on GitHub)