
A simple Rust binary to unzip an S3 archive without downloading.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A simple Rust binary to unzip an S3 archive into S3's root directory. Works without downloading the archive or putting it into RAM, so will unzip a huge dataset archive even if run on t2.micro(restrictions apply).
Download x86_64 Linux Binary


  • Works without downloading the archive or putting it into RAM, so will unzip a huge dataset archive even if run on t2.micro


  • The only condition for it to work currently is that your machine has more RAM then the largest archive's file.
  • If you want to add streaming the files directly to S3 as they get unzipped you can make a PR, we will be very thankful for that!
  • May not work with archives generated with macos archiver. Guaranteed to work with archives produced from zip.


s3-unzip -v -r [region_name] -p [prefix_name] <bucket_name> <zip_name>

  • -v turns on verbose mode. Prints the files to the stdout as they unpack
  • pass -r [region_name] to specify region name. us-east-1 by default.
  • pass -p [prefix_name] to prefix all unpacked S3 object keys with a value. This evvectively puts the unpacked files into a folder is you specify something like -p path/to/folder/
  • specify <bucket_name> and <zip_name> to find the archive.


For the program to find your credentials, aws configure them with the aws-cli client on your machine. Note that those must have access to your bucket or global access.


If you want to cross-compile this to your EC2 instance from a macOS host, you might try these steps (linker installation procedure may differ in your case):

  1. Add the new target using rustup: rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  2. Install the cross-platform linker using brew: brew tap SergioBenitez/osxct && brew install x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
  3. Compile using a custom linker: CARGO_TARGET_X86_64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release.
  4. Your binary is now in target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/s3-unzip. You might want to copy it to the server using scp and use screen -d -m <command> to execute it in the background (see screen docs for details).

Lambda usage

This package is not lambda-compatible since lambda limits the execution time to 15 minutes. If you want to make it compatible, though, feel free to make a PR.