
Boilerplate files for setting up webdriver JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webdriver Skeleton

This project has been designed to be used as generic boilerplate setup which should work for any/most websites/webapps.


It is expected the way this would be used is to git clone the files contained in this project into:


Then at that point:

  • delete the .git directory that was included with this project, i.e.
    • cd main_project_root_dir
    • rm -rf /tests/webdriver/.git
  • rewrite/overwrite these boilerplate placeholder files to suit your project.
  • Commit the files into the main projects version control.


IMPORTANT: Whilst this repo has a functioning webdriver installed in development repos of this webdriver_skeleton project, its package.json and node_modules directory can't be wired up to the "consumer" projects node/npm system package.json etc).

Therefore the job of installing will have to be performed everytime a project uses this skeleton.

This project requires a working install of nodejs, NPM and the following:

Install webdriverjs itself and browser drivers

npm install selenium-webdriver --save-dev

browser drivers, e.g.

  • chromedriver
  • geckodriver

how do these get installed - through NPM or direct download?

Dependencies that this boilerplate code uses

  • mocha
  • chai
  • chai-as-promised (not currently - but possibly in the future)


npm install mocha chai chai-as-promised --save-dev

create folder tests in root of your project dir (if it doesnt exist)


mkdir -p tests
cd tests
git clone ssh://git@github.com/michaelcoleman/webdriver_skeleton.git webdriver
                                                                 You will need
                                                                 to supply this
                                                                 to git

optional: add the npm run webdriver command

file: package.json

"scripts": {
      "ctags" : ...
  "webdriver" : "tests/webdriver/webdriver_runner",
        "e2e" : "mocha --recursive  tests/webdriverjs -t 20000",
         "wd" : "./node_modules/.bin/mocha  **/*.spec.js -t 20000"

Modify test code as necessary to suit your project

Run it!



as this will set the env vars and print a message explaining which browser is being tested.
Or, if you have added a scripts alias:

npm run webdriver