Challonge CLI using Challonge API v2.0


This is a mini react project created using Challonge API v2.0.

After cloning the project, use yarn install

yarn install

Now start using the application

yarn start

Start using the Application

The application would notify you that you have to set your own Challonge API Key. You may create an account on their website - to generate your own API Key.

List of possible commands

Below are the list of commands currently working in this application

Checking list of possible commands


Setting up API Key

@api -s "API KEY"

Checking the current API key used in the application

@api -g

Fetch all Tournaments created on your challonge account

@tournament -a

Fetch specific Tournament via URL

@tournament -s "Tournament URL"

Delete Tournament via URL

@tournament -d "Tournament URL"

Fetch all matches from specific Tournament

@match -a "Tournament URL"

Fetch specific match

@match -s "Tournament URL" "Match ID"

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