
This educational project for Microverse Module 2 involves creating a straightforward website that shows a list of books and lets you add and remove books from that list. The intention is to use modules and learn ES6 syntax to make it more orderly. built with JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Awesome Books


This educational project for Microverse Module 2 involves creating a straightforward website that shows a list of books and lets you add and remove books from that list. The intention is to use modules and learn ES6 syntax to make it more orderly. built with JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

Built With

  • HTML, TailwindCSS, JavaScript
  • Linters:
    • Stylelint
    • Lighthouse
    • Webhint
    • ESLint

Website Mockup 📱 💻 🖥️

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Live Demo

Awesome-Books 👈 Here 😄


👤 Makoji David

👤 Michael Mesfin

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.