
Microverse Module 1 Project: This is my working portfolio. Inside you will find my background information, contact information, and my recent projects. Built with Webpack, JavaScript and Sass..

Primary LanguageJavaScript


For this project in the process of creating my portfolio website, I will:

  • Set up a new repository and prepare it for development using best practices (e.g. linters).
  • Build sections of the mobile website using the template you chose in the previous step.
  • Work together with a team

Built With

  • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
  • Linters: Stylelint, Lighthouse, Webhint
  • Figma Template 1

Website Mockup 📱 💻 🖥️

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot

Live Demo

Michael's Portfolio


👤 Michael Mesfin

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.