
A script to control the room temperature and blinds at the IMDEA Software Institute.

Primary LanguageRuby


A script to control the room temperature, blinds, and lights at the IMDEA Software Institute.



blinds.rb [options]
-u, --username USERNAME          Your USERNAME
-p, --password PASSWORD          Your PASSWORD
-r, --room ROOM                  Set the ROOM number
-b, --blinds NUM                 Set the blinds to NUM
-t, --temp TEMP                  Set the TEMPerature
-w, --window LIGHT               Set the window LIGHT
-d, --door LIGHT                 Set the door LIGHT
-l, --lights LIGHT               Set all the LIGHTS
-v, --verbose

Configuration file

blinds.rb looks for .blinds.yml in your home directory ~ and your current directory .. If .blinds.yml exists, blinds.rb will read your USERNAME, PASSWORD, and ROOM. .blinds.yml has the following format:

username: USERNAME
password: PASSWORD
room_no: ROOM


Michael Emmi