Transport Cables (A Factorio Mod)
Revolutionize your main bus. With this mod, your main bus needs only one lane per item type. Further, the items are always distributed evenly among all consumers which makes balancers unnecessary.
Navigate to the latest releases
and download the zip folder transport-cables_v*.zip
Copy this zip folder to the mods folder of your Factorio installation.
The mods folder is typically located here:
- for Windows:
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\
- for Linux:
- for Mac OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/factorio/mods
After starting Factorio, you will find the Transport Cables mod in the mods menu.
- Write the how it works section.
- Introduce container bars and store their status in a combinator slot.
- If a pair of underground cables is placed onto cables, can the cables between the undergrounds be deleted?
- Can receivers be made pastable onto other receivers?
I would like to thank my friend Patze (aka Ma§endefekt) for all the discussions around the mod and for being the alpha and beta tester!
The following subsections describe tests. The expected result is written in italics. A rx-tx-pair is a receiver connected to a transmitter and in addition the transmitter has an infinite source of iron plates and the receiver has an infinite sink and no filter set yet.
Place entities next to one another and observe whether they are connected.
- a cable
- build cables in various orientations and positions around the cable; the cable only connects to the other cables when it makes sense
- build five cables facing north in positions 1, 4, 2, 5, 8 (imagine a num pad); rotate the cable in position 4; it never connects to the cable in position 5 but stays connected to the cable in position 1
- build a zig-zag; the cable connect to one another
- a node in front of it; the cable is connected to it
- a node behind it; the cable is connected to it
- a receiver in front of it; the cable is connected to it
- a receiver behind it; the cable is not connected to it
- a transmitter in front of it; the cable is not connected to it
- a transmitter behind it; the cable is connected to it
- an underground cable pair; the cable only connects to an underground cable when it makes sense
- a node
- a cable facing away; the node is connected to it
- a cable facing toward it; the node is connected to it
- a node; the node is connected to it
- a receiver; the node is connected to it
- a transmitter; the node is connected to it
- an underground cable (going underground) facing away; the node is connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the receiver is not connected to it
- an underground cable (coming out) facing toward it; the receiver is connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the receiver is not connected to it
- a receiver
- a cable facing away; the receiver is not connected to it
- a cable facing toward it; the receiver is connected to it
- a node; the receiver is connected to it
- a receiver; the receiver is not connected to it
- a transmitter; the receiver is not connected to it
- an underground cable (going underground) facing away; the receiver is not connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the receiver is not connected to it
- an underground cable (coming out) facing toward it; the receiver is connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the receiver is not connected to it
- a transmitter
- a cable facing away; the transmitter is connected to it
- a cable facing toward it; the transmitter is not connected to it
- a node; the transmitter is connected to it
- a receiver; the transmitter is not connected to it
- an underground cable (going underground) facing away; the transmitter is connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the receiver is not connected to it
- an underground cable (coming out) facing toward it; the transmitter is not connected to it
- rotate the underground cable; the transmitter is not connected to it
- an underground cable pair
- the underground cables are connected
- build cables in various orientations and positions around the cable; the underground cable only connects to the other cables when it makes sense
- build underground cables in various orientations and positions around the cable; the underground cable only connects to the other underground cables when it makes sense
- build a receiver; set a filter
- alt-mode shows the filter
- ctrl+c to copy the receiver; paste it; the pasted receiver has the filter set
- ctrl+shift+c to make a blueprint of the receiver; there is only one entity in the blueprint
- build the blueprint; the built receiver has the filter set
- ghost-build the blueprint; use pipette on the ghost and build the receiver; it has the filter set
- change the filter of one of the receivers; copy-paste the new filter with shift+rightclick and shift+leftclick; new filter is pasted
- build a rx-tx-pair; set a filter; build another receiver and also connect it to the transmitter; the new receiver's filter is set
- remove the filter of one of the two receivers; the other receiver's filter is also removed
- set a filter for one of the two receivers; the other receiver's filter is also set
- build a rx-tx-pair; set the item transport rate to 4
- there is no item transport
- set the receiver filter to copper plates; there is no item transport
- set the receiver filter to iron plates; 4 iron plates are transported per second
- set the receiver filter to no filter; there is no item transport
- set the receiver filter to iron plates; 4 iron plates are transported per second
- connect another receiver; each receiver receives 2 iron plates per second
- set one receiver filter to no filter; there is no item transport
- set one receiver filter to copper plates; there is no item transport
- set one receiver filter to iron plates; each receiver receives 2 iron plates per second
- connect two more receivers; set the receiver filter to no filter; _there is no item transport
- build another not connected receiver; set its filter to iron plates; there is no item transport
- use shift+rightclick and shift+leftclick to copy the filter setting to one of the four connected receivers; each receiver receives 1 iron plate per second
- connect another receiver; 4 of the 5 receivers receiver 1 iron plate per second, one receiver receives nothing; the role of each receiver changes every second such that all receivers on average receive the same amount of iron plates
- build a tier-1-receiver
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-2-receiver
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-3-receiver
- build a tier-1-receiver; set the receiver filter to iron plates
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-2-receiver and the filter is still iron plates
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-3-receiver and the filter is still iron plates
- build a tier-1-receiver; put some items in it
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-2-receiver and the items are still in it
- upgrade it via the upgrade planner; it becomes a tier-3-receiver and the items are still in it