
This project is currently hosted at https://dnd-tavern-tools.com/

This project orginated from wanting to track earnings from a tavern founded in a D&D 5e game and has since grown to add even more features.

Current Features

  • Can calculate earnings based on the cost of a normal ale, an original, premium ale, and the DC threshold for the successful sale of a premium ale.
    • This can be calculated for 1 - 30 days
  • Currency converter
    • Converts input to highest possible coin values
    • Can set team size for an even split
  • References page
    • Lifestyle expenses
    • Crafting services costs
    • Inn costs
    • Meal costs
    • Weapon fumble table
    • Spell fumble table
  • API query page
    • Currently only has spells
      • Can search by class, level, and school

Future Features

  • Add the rest of the API queries
    • Backgrounds
    • Classes
    • Races
    • Equipment
    • Monsters

Project setup

npm run install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.