
Built in React with a Spring backend. Colorful notecards to help with studying. Use the arrow keys to cycle through them, and the space key to flip them over. Click a card to edit its text.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A colorful notecard app built in React to help with studying. Use the arrow keys to cycle through each card and the space key to flip them over. Click on a card to edit its content.

Created with a modern design and smooth transitions, my inspiration for making this site was because most flashcard apps out there are functional but look dated. I wanted to create something that was easy on the eyes while also being useful. The web app is still a work in progress, but I'm excited about how it's coming out.

Still a work in progress.

To Run Locally

Using Node

git clone https://github.com/michael-mcmasters/Notecards.git
cd Notecards
npm install
npm start