This is an example project for Serverless in AWS
We will be using SAM (
Most services will be using the free tier so costs should be very minimal.
- Signup for an AWS account
- Fork this project into your GitHub account
- Python 3.9
- Postman
- Set up a virtual environment
- Install dependancies
- boto3
- aws-dynamodb-parser
- coverage
- Run unit tests
coverage run --branch --source='.' -m unittest
and coverage withcoverage report -m --fail-under=100 --omit=*/,tests/*,cookie-shop-env/*
- Run the setup-template.yaml in AWS Cloudformation
- Give the S3 bucket a globally unique name (line 78)
- If this fails it is most likely because Cloudformation cannot setup CodeBuild projects without first connecting to Github through OAuth. You should create a dummy CodeBuild project and connect to Github.
- Explore the created resources in AWS - S3, IAM, CodeBuild, SSM
- Create a PR in the repo
- This build will use buildspec-dev.yaml and should create a new Cloudformation stack (dev) and create all the resources for us. Note this will be a seperate stack for each PR.
- Explore the created resources in AWS - Dynamo, Lambda, API Gateway, etc.
- Use the API's
- Go to API Gateway -> Stages -> Prod and get the Invoke URL
- Use swagger to figure out what to send the API, then postman to call it
- Try the /cookies and /orders
- Check Dynamo tables and see your things
- When an order is placed it will update the quantity of cookies left
- Authentication
- The orders endpoint is protected by IAM (AWS sigv4)
- To use, go to the IAM User created, create an access key and secret, then add to the request