
Frontend for goblint written with jsoo-react

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Webfrontend for Goblint

Developed by Alex Micheli for his Bachelor's thesis at TUM i2.

Based on jsoo-react.


Bindings to ReactJS for js_of_ocaml, including JSX ppx.

Adapted from ReasonReact.

A word of caution

🚧 🚧 🚧 🚧

Very experimental / early stage. Not ready for consumption yet.

Only bindings to the most basic rendering functions and useState / useReducer exist. The rest of the bindings are to be implemented yet.

Ideas / decisions

  • Abstract over Js_of_ocaml "native" types (js_string , js_array) as much as possible behind the bindings. To do so, the library uses gen_js_api to convert from/to these types to their more idiomatic OCaml representation.
  • Keep the API as close as possible to ReasonReact. This is useful for many reasons:
    • Battle tested.
    • Reduce cognitive load by leveraging ReasonReact knowledge.
    • Maximize potential reuse of existing components and libraries.


See interop.md.

Running the example

git clone https://github.com/jchavarri/jsoo-react/
cd ./jsoo-react
make init
eval $(opam env)
make dev
# in another tab / terminal session 
cd ./jsoo-react/example
yarn && yarn server

After that, open up localhost:8000. Then modify App.re file in src and refresh the page to see the changes. The example will not work without server as it relies on history / client-side routing using jsoo-react router to navigate through the pages.


  • make test to run the test against the expected result.
  • make test-promote when you want to update the expected results.


Thanks to the authors and maintainers of ReasonReact, in particular @rickyvetter for his work on the v3 of the JSX ppx. Thanks to the authors and maintainers of Js_of_ocaml, in particular @hhugo who has been answering many many questions in GitHub threads. And thanks to the team behind React.js! What an amazing library :)