
Android app to track time wasted on the phone during lectures and see how you compare with your friends. Made with ❤ during DragonHack 2016

Primary LanguageJava


Android app to track time wasted on the phone during lectures and see how you compare with your friends.

We started this project for the 2016 DragonHack in beautiful Ljubljana, Slovenia. At the moment we are tackling certain open questions with regards to security and privacy (which we did not really have time for during the event). We hope to release a final version on the Play store in the fall of 2016, so stay tuned!

In the meantime: go ahead and give the offline version a spin!




We all know how much time we waste on checking our smartphones during the lectures.

What it does

Thus, we made an app to track our phone usage during the lecture, and compare it with our local university peers afterwards. We measure the "wasted time" by the time the phone screen is on. Since being on the phone is not bad when not on a lecture, we only measure the on-time during the self-reported lecture interval. When the lecture ends, the user gets a non-intrusive notification about the percentage of the lecture spent on checking the phone. The accumulated data is then sent to a server, where it is aggregated per-user and per-university.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

It works! And our awesome logo of course!

What's next for LecturePotato?

Deploying it at University of Primorska, TU Munich, and of course the University of Ljubljana. Also, polish it until it is shiny!

Lecture Potato?


You know how many people are actually couch potatoes?... Even more of them are Potatoes during the lectures. Don't be a Lecture Potato, get LecturePotato!