
Primary LanguageTypeScript


To make testing a lot of combinations easy.

Define the inputs and required outputs, write the test logic once, and let testEach run each case for you separately.

You can add descriptions to each TestCase, so you can use them in assertions, async test functions are also supported.


import { TestCase, testEach } from "https://deno.land/x/test_each@v0.0.2/mod.ts";

testEach<{a: number, b: number}, number>(
  "Quick math",
    { input: { a: 1, b: 3 }, result: 3, desc: '1*3 should equal 3'},
    { input: { a: 2, b: 3 }, result: 6, desc: '2*3 should equal 6' },
    { input: { a: 3, b: 3 }, result: 9, desc: '3*3 should equal 9' },
    { input: { a: 4, b: 3 }, result: 12, desc: '4*3 should equal 12' },
  (testCase) => {
      testCase.input.a * testCase.input.b,

testEach<number | boolean, unknown>(
    { input: false, exception: { msg: "my exception" } },
    { input: 5, result: 12 },
  (testCase) => {
    if (typeof testCase.input === "number") {
      assertEquals(60 / testCase.input, testCase.result);
    } else {
      throw new Error("my exception");

testEach<unknown, unknown>(
  (testCase) => {/* ... */ },
  {only: true, ignore: true, sanitizeOps: true, sanitizeResources: true}