I love helping make developer more efficient in their everyday work. GitHub and VS Code are two of my favorite tools to build around!
ApolloUnited States
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- kasimkazmiOntario, Canada
- TheFanatr
- patrick91@fastapi
- trevor-scheer@apollographql
- EverlastingBugstopperPhiladelphia, PA
- setchyWorld Kinect
- SetuBaruTheOpenSourceProject
- alokkulkarniUnited Kingdom
- webmasters964New Delhi
- jeroendesloovereAgristo
- rjdmacedoLisboa
- anzarmalik
- sarguinssonTPG - The Project Group Informationstechnologie GmbH
- giovanni-linxcommerce
- KartikkumargujaratiAustin, Texas
- sepsol@MyBestHomecare
- paulieDOTjsSolution Design Group
- brainkim
- harshitkumar31@walmartlabs
- jmarbutt@waycool
- adamovittorio@Unity-Technologies
- rikdcPortland, Maine
- KhaledAl3asee
- blainewishart
- bitchelovRussia
- abernix@apollographql
- wiratama
- vinodhraj
- jsauveMinneSnowta
- 07101994Lazy Man Studios
- MikeCodesDotNET@avaloniaui
- emrah-dautbegovic-sn
- timmyreilly@Microsoft
- breckwight