We are collecting the COVID-19 Language-based AI research papers and datasets. If you have paper to recommend or any suggestions, please feel free to contact us.
1. We released a Chinese medical dialogue dataset about COVID-19 and other types of pneumonia. Patients who are concerned that they may be infected by COVID-19 or other pneumonia consult doctors and doctors provide advice. There are 12789 consultations and each consultation has at least 8 senteces.
The whole file is a python list, and each item in the list is a list of dictionary,as shown below
[{'id': 'dis', 'text': '医生您好!发烧两天,最高38.7,头痛,全身酸疼乏力,不咳嗽,不流涕,呼吸无异常。现已退烧,头痛基本消失,但是咽喉及**气管略有灼烧疼,胸口两侧对称跳着疼,头顶头皮一处跳着疼,左腹一处偶尔也跳着疼,无力,不爱吃饭。无湖北接触史,偶尔外出去超市采购,都戴口罩。前段时间压力大,连续一周熬夜做文字工作。请问这是什么情况啊?是不是新冠肺炎?谢谢医生!(男,35岁)'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '您好!这种情况有多久了?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '有没有鼻塞?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '咳嗽?气喘?'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '三天了,前两天发烧头疼,今天不烧了'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '只在第一天晚上鼻塞过,不咳嗽,不气喘'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '咳嗽?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '咳嗽?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '胸痛?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '应该是病毒性感冒'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '不像肺炎'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '建议多喝水,休息,按时吃感冒药如日夜百服宁片或泰诺感冒片,另外可吃些含片,清火的药如清开灵或熊胆胶囊等。'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '不咳嗽,胸口两侧对称地方跳着疼,头皮,左腹各有跳着疼'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '对了,退烧后,左嘴角上下起了一些疱疹'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '还是考虑病毒性感冒'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '病毒性感冒是不是传染?家里有孩子,请问怎样防护?'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '感冒会传染,'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '可以适当隔离,戴口罩'}
{'id': 'dis', 'text': '好的,谢谢医生!'}
{'id': 'doc', 'text': '不客气'}]
The code for read "COVID_Dialogue_Dataset.pk":
with open('COVID_Dialogue_Dataset1.pk','rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
The dataset is built from chunyu and all copyrights of the data belong to chunyu.
If you find this dataset useful, please cite:
title={CovidDialog-CH: Chinese Medical Dialogue Dataset for COVID19 Consultant},
author={Wenge Liu and Lin Xu and Jianheng Tang and Shuai Lin and Junfan Lin and Xiaodan Liang},
journal={ https://github.com/lwgkzl/COVID19_Language_Understanding},