
My Reproducible Documents

My Reproducible Documents

Hello. Do you have 10 minutes to help us test a new open collaboration workflow for reproducible scientific documents?

Spoiler: We'll be using Git for sharing and versioning and Stencila Desktop for editing.

  1. First clone this repo (or even better use your own fork).

    $ git clone https://github.com/michael/documents.git
  2. Open Stencila Desktop.

    This will soon be just an app download. But until then install and run the development version like so:

    $ git clone https://github.com/stencila/desktop.git
    $ cd desktop
    $ npm install
    $ npm start

    NOTE: You must have Node.js installed.

  3. Navigate to .../documents/welcome-to-stencila and open for editing.

  4. Now add a paragraph to the button of the document, save the changes and consider pushing them to your fork and submitting a Pull Request on Github. I will merge asap!

ATTENTION: With this workflow you are likely to experience merge issues, as Git does not work well with XML content. There are tools to help with merging XML. In the long run we will additionally provide realtime collaboration, and automated merging of XML diffs.

Please post any feedback in the Stencila Community Forum.

Merci! :)