
Collection of small static linked tools, compiled with minilib

Primary LanguageC


Compilation of small programs, compiled with minilib, serving as testcases.

Some are modified, some unchanged (besides the file minilib.conf).

Ideally, they should compile unmodified; yet most problems have been a result of unwanted optimizations by gcc.

However, especially the network stack of minilib seems to be a bit 'unmature'. (or there might be slight differences to glibc/musl). Bug reports/fixes are very welcome.

I collect the tools along with the static builds here.

The directory ./bin_x64 contains static binaries for linux, 64bit; built with gcc 9.3 (Gentoo).

misc 2022

bin_x64/daft-dhcp-client       2021-09-24             10912
bin_x64/micro-http             2021-09-20             8192
bin_x64/sash                   2022-05-26             32772
bin_x64/sed                    2022-05-26             16656
bin_x64/smu                    2021-09-20             10872
bin_x64/snake                  2021-09-20             8204
bin_x64/snake-mikro            2021-09-20             8204
bin_x64/splitvt                2022-05-26             24728
bin_x64/totp                   2022-05-26             9696
                                        size: 130236 Bytes