
AWS Chapter from Docker & Kubernetes Course by Stephen Grider

Primary LanguageJavaScript

From Docker and Kubernetes

Tutorial on Udemy

By Stephen Grider

Complete AWS Section

Steps to run

Prepare images

docker build -t michael4reynolds/multi-client ./client
docker build -t michael4reynolds/multi-nginx ./nginx
docker build -t michael4reynolds/multi-server ./server
docker build -t michael4reynolds/multi-worker ./worker

Log in to the docker CLI

docker login -u "$DOCKER_ID" --password-stdin

Take those images and push them to docker hub

docker push michael4reynolds/multi-client
docker push michael4reynolds/multi-nginx
docker push michael4reynolds/multi-server
docker push michael4reynolds/multi-worker

Use eb cli to prepare and create elastic beanstalk app

eb init
eb create
eb open
eb status
eb health
eb terminate --all